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Author notes: HAPPY BINJIN YEAR!
My mind had been blank for days and I still sometimes can't believe it really happened. I've been a quiet shipper but I just couldn't stop talking about them since the D Day

Thank you for your comments, I promise to answer them tomorrow ❤️

May this year bring you all health, love, kindness, dreams coming true and BinJin being more BinJin than ever.


Seri looked outside by the window, shuddering as the snow kept falling, covering everything with a thick white coat, she could no longer distinguish either road or lawn. The night was already well advanced but she couldn't sleep. The events of the day kept repeating themselves in her head, swirling restlessly with a cloud of questions that for the moment remained unanswered. The apartment was silent, when she got behind the wheel to bring Ri Jeong Hyeok back, she had expected to have to drop him off at the embassy, ​​or at least somewhere where one of his men could pick him up. But he had shaken his head, telling her that he was staying at the apartment. With her.

She hadn't protested, secretly relieved, still shaken by what had happened. Within minutes, a man she didn't know had tried to hurt her, and that man's brother had protected and kissed her...

Her fingers moved on their own to her lips, barely brushing them, trying to remember the feel of his, their warmth, their softness. She had never been kissed like this, never had she felt like she was falling into the void and being safe at the same time, in a mind-blowing way. Her whole body and soul had been consumed by his taste and his warmth, and she wanted nothing more than to lose herself in his care and devotion. Nothing had felt that right in her entire life, no one had made her feel that much, that safe, that...loved?

She couldn't pinpoint what exactly had been a turning point, she wasn't even sure there had been one. She wasn't an expert in love, her dating life had been quite disastrous, more like a marketing tool than a quest for love. No butterflies, no rainbows, just reality and it's cruelty.

Then... Was he real? Was it love? The fact that she wanted him to be with her or the fact that she wanted him to be safe above all even if it meant for him to take a step back, away from her?

After their kiss, a nurse had come checking on them, since the doc had been looking for Ri Jeong Hyeok. It had been followed by an embarrassing moment when, her cheeks flushed, she had almost tripped, with him making sure she remained on her feet, they had rushed inside under the amused gaze of the nurse.
A few hours later, after a last check and Ri Jeong Hyeok going to see Mu Hyuk, alone this time, they had left the clinic. The drive home had been silent and she hadn't dared to speak. He had seemed deep in thought, he was hurt, in so many ways, very worried about his brother who had been left sedated. She would have liked to console him, to take his hand, to tell him that everything was going to be okay, just like he had done with her, but a strange feeling of guilt had prevented her. He had had to fight his own brother to protect her and it broke her heart. She didn't have the best example of sibling relationships but she had seen the love with which he cared for his brother, and the idea that she somehow had stood between them made her heart drop with guilt and horror.

The bruise on his face hadn't totally healed, and yet, he had thrown himself in front of her without a hint of hesitation. It amazed her and horrified her, the way he was selfless to the point of sacrificing himself. What if his brother had touched a vital organ? Then what would have she done? The mere thought was unbearable.

With a shaky breath, she turned from the window and silently opened the door of her room, silently making her way to the kitchen to get a glass of water. When in the darkness she saw a towering figure sitting on the couch, she jumped back with a cry, groping for the switch which she immediately activated. The light then illuminated Ri Jeong Hyeok, who grimaced at the too sudden light, a hand in front of his eyes.

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