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Author note: thank you my dear readers for your amazing comments on the last chapter , I'm going through it today, I promise. This week has been rough, not sleeping enough to write has taken a toll on my health, so I apologize in advance for not updating as usual for this chapter, and probably for the next ones as well. I usually write when my kids are asleep, but it seems like I need to sleep too 😅 anyway, I know how kind and supportive you are, I hope it will be okay with you all.
A special thought for my Indonesians moots, whose country has gone through a lot these past few days... My heart is with you. And with everyone else struggling. Stay safe and healthy.

Ppyong and love on you ❤️


Ri Jeong Hyeok glanced at the sleeping form of Seri by the little door window.
She seemed to be in a deep slumber, he couldn't see her face from where he was standing but she was still in the same position as when he had left her. He fought the urge to go back to her. Seeking her presence had become instinctive, just like he had been drawned to her since the first day, despite all rationality, despite fighting it with all his will. She had shaken him to the deepest parts of his soul and he could no longer imagine a world where she was no more. He had had a glimpse of such a world, the minutes after he had heard the gunshot stretching to an eternity, and the desvastating pain he had felt then had been a reminder of how far he had fallen for her. He took a deep breath, bracing himself for what was to come.

More troubles, more struggles, more decisions.

His father didn't know what had happened to Mu Hyeok, he had told the hospital he would deliver the news himself but had avoided his parents calls. He had just sent a message to his mother, to assure her that he was fine, and that he would call back when he would be less busy. Which he knew she wouldn't believe. He had always taken the time to call them, to keep them updated on their elder son situation, no matter how much work he had. They called the hospital from time to time but none of them speak German so it was quite difficult for them to communicate. Not being able to see Mu Hyeok daily was hard for their mother, and probably for their father too, even if the charismatic general never showed his feelings. But staying in Switzerland was the best for their son, and given their position, they couldn't stay away from Pyongyang. He hesitated, the corridors were empty and the hospital was calm. There was no one to tell him to go outside to call, which he wouldn't do for he wasn't ready to leave Seri out of his sight, no yet, no so soon.

His father picked up at the first ring.


A silence.

"Oh. So you remember me now."

He heard his mother admonishing her husband behind and felt a pang of sadness tightening his heart. He missed them, he truly did.

"I'm sorry. Things have been... Complicated..."


His father let out a sarcastic laugh that made Ri Jeong Hyeok tighten his grip on his phone.

"Who is this woman, son, and why is she messing with everything including my own son?"

"She didn't mess with anything. None of what happened is her fault." he replied instantly, feeling the now familiar rush of protectiveness get over him.

"Really? And what happened exactly?" came the cold question.

He swallowed, trying to decide from where he should start. His father decided for him.

"You're a smart man, son, how could you fall for a spy, from the south!"

His voice was icy, shaking with restrain anger, and Ri Jeong Hyeok could perfectly picture his father's face at that instant. He had seen men on the receiving end of the cold stare of his father.

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