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Author note: thank you so much for your kind words on the last chapter ❤️ this chapter is dedicated to my Ph readers, who had gone through a lot and whose dedication to their fellow citizens is inspiring. And to everyone who is struggling, whether it's because of covid, weather or anything else. Stay strong, stay safe. Love ❤️


"Who is this man, Seri? He looked like a bodyguard, even those idiots couldn't have done better!" Alberto said, gesturing at the two men in black.

Seri ignored him, trying somehow to calm her erratic heartbeat as the van pulled away from the station. She had prevented herself from looking back, overwhelmed by a wave of emotions such as she had never felt. No one had ever come to her defense. Not a comrade, not a member of her family, not an adult, not a teacher, not even one of her parents. She had had to learn to defend herself, both physically and psychologically.

What she had felt when this man had intervened, preventing Alberto from touching her, went beyond surprise. The kindness with which he had looked at her afterwards ... An explosive contrast with the threatening look he had given Alberto. He had been a true Avenger, there had been something heroic in his posture.
They barely knew each other, yet he had shown her more kindness and care than anyone. The flutter in her heart was something she had never experienced, not even as a teenager.

"It was so romantic! But Seri, do you know him? Have you noticed that he has an accent, I can't quite put which one, but I've heard it before somewhere, is he your boyfriend? Seri, you know you can't, if your brother knew, he ..."

She turned to him so sharply that he cringed. Her blood was boiling with the suppressed rage she had been entertaining for weeks.

"What would he do, Alberto, um? " she asked in a low voice, glaring at him.

The man had the good taste to look embarrassed, but it was brief and his unbearable smile was back again.

"Come on, Seri, don't take it like that!"

She gritted her teeth, narrowing her eyes at him.

"I am not married or engaged. I am still free to do whatever I want, contrary to what you and my brother seem to think!"

He put that fake sorry face on and she had never wanted to slap someone as much as at that very moment.

"You know I only want what's good for you!"

"No Alberto. You and I know you only want your slice of the cake."

Alberto smirked. Seri knew him for a few years, she had seen him lurking around the Yoon family, waiting for the right moment to dive in, their famous fortune being his ultimate motive. Her brother seemed to trust him, which showed the extent of his stupidity. She could recognize a con man when she saw one, and Alberto was a master in that field. Not everything was fake about him, but his love for money would be his undoing.

"Your father made a deal and..."

She cut him off sharply.

"I know perfectly what he did. No need to remind me."

He cleared his throat and massaged his shoulder.

"Anyway, this man was impressive, dangerous but impressive. You think he offers his bodyguard services? "

"He's not a bodyguard"

"Really ?"

To be honest, she didn't know. She didn't know anything about him, not even his name, and at the same time, he was more familiar than the man sitting beside her.

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