I Love You Too

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Author note:


I honestly hesitated about posting today, but finally, here I am. This chapter has been so hard to write, my mind had been full of Binjin like so many of us, add a bad cold, and this chapter almost never made it.

Anyway, I hope you'll enjoy it despite the craziness of these past few days. Take care, sweet CLOY Community, each one of you, and stay safe ❤️

Ppyong 💕

(forgive me for the highly possible typos. 3am here and my eyes aren't functioning properly)


A few hours earlier,

As Seri looked around her, she had to admit that as a monster as he was, Cho Cheol Gang had an impeccable taste regarding home staging. The chalet he had brought them to was huge, luminous and beautiful. Domestics took their luggage and the other guests were chatting happily while complimenting their host.

"Where is Alberto?" Se-Hyunk whispered in her ear without looking at her.

He looked unusually nervous, his pale complexion contrasting with his dark suit. He hadn't said a word to her during the whole travel, but Seri hadn't minded, they had never had anything to tell each other except passive agressive comments or direct attacks. With Se Joon, at least, she just had to listen and to raise an eyebrow from time to time while his wife and him would deblatare about the latest gossips in Seoul high society. Gossips she was more often than not in the center of.

She frowned, shaking her head.

"Why woukd I know?"

"Because you always know everything..." he almost growled.

Once, when she was eight years old, he had cut her favorite doll's hair. Instead of punishing him, their mother had admonished her because she let her things all over the place. It had been so unfair that she had been shaking with anger. Se Joon had tried to comfort her, in his own way, saying that the doll was prettier that way and that maybe she should consider cutting her hair. Instead, she had gone after Se Hyung and had cut his hair. That was the kind of relationship she had with him.

"Obviously, I don't, otherwise, I wouldn't be here..." she replied coldly before walking away.

She was nervous too, but obviously not for the same reasons. Her hands were sweating and she felt nauseous, she was a businesswoman, not a spy, and to be honest, she was terrified. Besides the two north Korean officiers, who didn't talk to anyone except Cho Cheol Gang, there was a man from Berlin, and a couple from China. The woman didn't speak Korean or German, and didn't leave her husband's side, offering her a polite smile and nothing more.

Open your eyes and your ears. Nothing more.

Except as much as she opened both, she had nothing so far. How was she supposed to get out of this situation if nothing came. It wasn't as if evidences were going to come to her on their own.

"Enjoy the view, dear, this chalet will be yours in a few days..." said Cho Cheol Gang in her ear as he stepped behind her, too close for her liking. Irritated, she stepped away without a word, crossing her arms and keeping her eyes on the beautiful scenery.

There were trees as far as the eye could see. The weather was gloomy, and the mist clung to the rock faces of the landforms that surrounded them. Fine snow was falling, accentuating the mystical side of the landscape. Under other circumstances, she would probably have appreciated it, but this time, she felt oppressed, trapped by the mountains.

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