Chapter 24

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Jo's POV:

"It's not even worth trying to explain to you who Sherlock is.  So, how do we get you out of here?" I asked as I bent down, trying to ignore the fact it was a cliff and I could fall at any moment.  I'm not really afraid of heights, but falling off of a cliff isn't something I really want.

The box was made out of bamboo-like wood and the bars were far enough apart for an arm to reach through, but definitely too small to pull Hook through.  It was hanging about 6 feet from where I was standing so somehow I needed to bust open the top and pull Hook out.  My magic can do that, right?

"Jo, can I have my hook please?" Hook asked.  His voice was raspy and from where I was, he didn't look to good either.  I mean he looked good but not good.  He looked ruffed up, like he got into a fight and was still healing.  The cage was too small for Hook to stand so his muscles must hurt alot. I flung the hook down and he caught it before putting it back on.

"Much better," Hook said with a sigh.

"How long have you been down there? What happened after I left?" I asked.  I layed down so just my head was over the cliff, looking down at him.

"Once you left, the first couple months were easy.  We sailed the seas and lived our lives without fear.  But then there were weird sightings of a light floating around the ship.  Later we found out it was Tinkerbell, but by then is it was too late.  She somehow got his powers back to him, and left us to face his wrath.  He threw my crew to the mermaids and left me here to die slowly of starvation and dehydration.  It's been four days and I don't have much time left before I die from hunger."

Hearing that, I conjured up and threw him down a water bottle which he took happily.  I'll give him some food later,  because I don't want to overwhelm him.

I stepped up my magic game and started trying to break the lock on the top of the cage.  I concentrated hard on the lock and it took a minute until I heard it click open.  Hook would still have to climb out so I made a ladder and flung it down.  To be honest, getting Hook out of the cage wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.  I don't think Pan was counting on someone with magic getting Hook out.

And yet I still couldn't conjure a stupid towel earlier...

He climbed out of the cage and up the ladder to me.  I helped him up and brought him over to a rock to sit on.

"So... What are you going to do now?  Your crew is gone and I can't leave with you," I trailed off.  

"I still need to kill Pan."  He said it with a sigh, like he was already giving up.

"Why?  I understand that now that he locked you in the cage, but what was your motive before?" I asked.  I have been wondering this for a while.  Why does Hook really hate Peter?  

He looked down at his hands for a couple seconds before looking at me again, his blue eyes filled with sadness and regret.  "He killed the one I loved," he said in an almost whisper.

I was taken aback by that response.  Hook seemed more like a player to me...

He continued after a deep a breath.  "You must have heard about how there have been other ones... Other girls who were thought to be the girl from the prophecy?"

I nodded.  Those boys at the river brought that up before trying to attack me.

"Well there were.  Eighteen girls to be exact.  Peter started off very risky with it.  He went back to your world and picked up the first girl who saw him flying.  He took her back here and when she didn't make the sun rise, he sent her out into the ocean without food or water.  After that he had a system: go to your world, live there for a month or so, and then take a random girl back.  When she's here, he would make her fall in love with him and when she didn't have powers, he would get rid of her one way or another.  One or two are actually the mermaids in the ocean. It's all a game to him.  A bloody game! Then one girl came, Emma.  She was feisty as hell and ran away as soon as she got here.  She stayed with me and we both knew she wasn't of the prophecy, but she wanted to stay with me.  Peter saw my weakness and he took it.  He killed her when she went hunting one day.  He back-stabbed her, literally.  Didn't even give her a chance," and his voice broke.  

Tears threatened to roll down his cheeks.  Hook was just a broken man with a broken heart. He doesn't seem to have any fight left: everything he loved has been taken from him.

I looked him in the eyes and said "I'll handle everything.  This hatred is killing you.  You need to get out of here and I'll handle Peter, whatever way I can."

"Don't get hurt Jo, please," he pleaded before standing up and hugging me.  He was done with Peter.  He couldn't take it anymore.  Maybe he can get a modeling job?

"Oh honey, if I'm going down, he's coming down with me," I said while flipping my hair and putting my hands on my hips.  My confidence was fake, though.  I understand Peter may be changing but I can't look past the fact he kidnapped plenty of girls and killed Hook's love!

He laughed at my response before turning towards the woods.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked confused.

"I'll find my way home.  I've been on this island for years, I know my way off."  With that he walked off into the woods.  

Then a noise came from behind me.

Only one person conveniently shows up behind you after a conversation and it's the one person I don't want to see right now.

Peter's POV:

"Don't get hurt Jo, please," I heard Hook plead.

I can't say I am surprised Jo found him and got him out.  She's clever like that.

I woke up the moment that she started to try to untangle my arms from her waist.  I followed her out when she left and I heard her whole conversation with Hook.  I know her well enough that this new information will make her not trust me.

I really am trying to change but old habits die hard.  

When Hook left I stepped out from my spot behind the tree and Jo automatically turned around.

"What are you doing here?" she spat out.

Yep, she was mad.

"I told you not to leave the camp," I said.

"Or what, you're going to stab me in the back? Send me out to sea? Turn me into a mermaid?" she shouted.

I held my hands up defensively.  "None of the above."  I honestly didn't know what else to say.  I can't deny what I did.  But it was the past.

"Jo, the things that he told you, that was the old me.  The moment I met you, I decided I wanted to change-" I started to say before she cut me off.

"Are you just trying to make me fall in love with you because you think it's fun? Because it's all just a game to you? Well I was close, Pan.  So damn close," she took a deep breath. "But not anymore.  I'm done with your games.  Just decide what you want to do with me.  Find me when you have your psychotic mind decided."

She took off into the woods, back to camp I presume.  But not quick enough for me to not notice the tears running down her cheeks.

I knew I needed to show her that I do like her.  Love her even.

I know what I have to do.


New update!

I've been early updating because I have had time and one of my friends helped me outline the next couple chapters so get ready!

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