Chapter 26

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Jo's POV:

I woke up in an entanglement of sheets and blankets. I cracked open my eyes to see there was no Peter next to me. Realizing he wasn't there, I flung off the blanket and jumped out of bed. Practically falling while trying to walk and put on my shoes at the same time, I ran out of the tent and out of camp as quickly as I could. In my quick glance, I didn't see Peter in the camp so I was good.

I thought about this last night: I am going to look for the Indians. They seem to know more about what's going on then the rest of us.

As I strolled along, I got that itch in the back of my neck. The kind that makes you feel like someone is watching you...

I turned to see a blue fairy floating a couple feet away.

"Hello?" I more asked then spoke to the fairy.

"Hello. I have heard so much about you, Jo. People call me Mater Dei, but you can call me Ma," said the fairy.

"Nice to meet you Ma, but I have to be on my way-" I began to say.

"No no no that won't do. You have to come with me and talk to someone. She has been a real pain lately and I think you can fix it," she cut me off.

"Ok..." I trailed off.

She turned around and flew to the left of where I was heading and I followed her because what's the worst that can happen. Plus I feel like ignoring a fairy wouldn't be to smart.

We walked through a wall of ferns into a beautiful clearing filled with flowers and a large willow tree in the center. The oak tree was surrounded by a whirling mass of colors. Closer examination lead me to see that the colors were fairies flying in and out of the tree branches.

"So who did you want me to see-" I began to ask before another voice cut me off.

"Oy it's Jo! You wanna sing with us?" shouted Jeff.

"Oh yes please" chorused some other fairies. A crowd began to form in front of me

"No. No. No no no," I said waving my hands in front of me,and began walking backwards towards the entrance.

Ma came flying towards me laughing. She shook her finger and said "You can't leave now, you still need to talk to her but I don't think you can get out of here until you sing."

I sighed. There is no way I'm getting out of this and Ma seems like a very very very creepy fairy. One that I am too afraid to cross.

I stood there and began to sing the first song that came to mind.

"I fell in love with a beautiful boy

And you still takes my breath away

When you left it was the end of my world

'Cause I never got to say...

That I love you

More than you think I do

And I love you

Now you don't want me to

'Cause I love you

More than you think I do

And I love you

Now you don't want me to"

(Song is in the side bar) I stopped and looked around. The once loud bustling of fluttering wings was diminished to a whisper. No one was talking until Jeff shouted "Ya!" and the crowd of fairies around me clapped before dispersing. I took a deep breath and exhaled the anxiety I get from singing in front of others.

If I'm Going Down, You're Coming With Me (A Peter Pan Story)Where stories live. Discover now