Chapter 12

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(Sykkuno's POV)

After I hang up from the FaceTime call I decided to FaceTime the group call with Poki and Rae. They've been on the call for a while now.

"H-hi guys."

"Oh hey Syk." Poki smiles

"Where have you been??" Rae practically yells at me. I know she's joking but it doesn't stop me from flinching.

"I-I was just calling s-someone.." I tell her.

"Okay Sykkuno. How have you been? I know you've been feeling stressed lately." I smile a bit at Poki.

"I'm okay I guess. Trying to get some stuff packed up. M-my grandma wants me out soon." She nods a little.

"Who are you talking to?! Shouldn't you be trying to find an apartment?!!" My dad yells at me. He's packing up grandma's things.


"I-I-I" he mocks me. I look down. "You're such a disappointment!" He yells at me.

"I-I'm sorry.." I whisper. He leaves, Rae and Poki give me a sad look. They know what's been going on. It's been happening for 16 years now. It's been happening since I was 8. (They are all 24 here) They were the only ones I told in school.

"Sykkuno..have you found a roommate or an apartment yet?" Rae asks me.

"Y-yeah. I move in in four days.." I tell them.

"Oo maybe we can come visit you some time." I notice Poki get a little excited.

"That w-would be nice..maybe..but I don't know guys..but I'm going to go so I can pack some things. Goodnight guys."

"Goodnight sykkkk. We love youuuu"

"Goodnight you dork. Sleep well." I laugh a little.

"Goodnight guys. I love you too. Thanks for always being here for me." I say before hanging up.

I guess I should continue packing..

(Rae's no stel POV)...people who watch the rust streams will get it lol

"I don't know Poki..he's been dealing with this for so many years..remember when he had more confidence in himself. That was over 16 years ago."

We've known Sykkuno since we were about 3 years old. Back in preschool. It was a good time. Sykkuno would have more confidence in himself and rarely stutter.

"It's all because of his family.. they've been breaking him down forever. I feel bad for him.." I can tell Poki feels guilty.

"Poki it's not your fault it's okay. There was nothing we could do Sykkuno didn't want us to tell anyone."

"I guess you're right.."

"Now walk a few apartments down. We are having a sleepover tonight. If you had plans I just cleared them because I'm more important to youuuuu." She laughs a little.

"That's right Rae. I'll be there soon babe."

"YeS I aM bAbE nOw." She laughs again and hangs up.


About an hour later me and Poki are on the couch spooning each other watching a movie. What? Never heard of friends cuddling? If you don't like it quit dropping in on our sleepover :)

I am older by a few months so I've taken the older sister like roll over Poki since we met. "How has everything been lately bub?"

"Okay I guess..I'm kinda worried about Sykkuno. I hope he has found a good place to stay.." it's cute how worried she gets over all of us.

"I guarantee you that he will be okay. I promise you."

"You promise?" She looks up at me with those puppy eyes.

"Yes I do." I kiss her forehead and she returns her attention to the movie. Of course it happens to be one of the jump scares. She jumps and hides her face in my neck.

"Raeeeeeee why do you always pick scary movies?" She whines a little.

"Because Sykkuno never watches them." I laugh a little bit.


Some different pov's for you to make it a little more interesting? Let me know if you liked this and I might do it more often.


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