Chapter 3

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Corpse's POV

Alexis is very nice. We walked around the store looking for her mum but she wasn't there. She looks up at me and I try to his the anger in my eyes.

"She's not here.." She mumbles out. I sigh. "I'm sorry Lex. Do you know her number? I can call her." She nods and tells me the number.

I call it and it rings a few times before someone picks up on the other end. She's a smart little girl. "Hello?" It was the voice of a man. "Hey. Is Alexis's mum there?" "Ugh I thought she was gone by now." My eyes widen at that and the phone is passed to a woman. "Hello? If this is about Alexis I want nothing to do with her! She's not my problem anymore!" The woman yells.

I think Alexis heard this because she tears up. I hang up and pick her up, placing her on my hip. "Hey sweetie, it's okay I got you." I say rubbing her back while small sobs escape her slightly parted lips. Once she is calm enough I quickly finish up my grocery shopping and pay for it.

She clings to me the whole time. I can only imagine what's going through that head of hers. Her mum doesn't want her anymore. She probably thinks I'll leave her. I set her in the back seat in my car and she squirms slightly. "Don't leave me.." The look of pure terror in her eyes. "Bub I have to drive. Is there anything you would like for dinner?"

She just shrugs. "Im not a very picky eater.." "well that's good. How about I cook something at my apartment?" She nods and looks out the window as I drive. I drove carefully because I don't have a car seat for her.

I wonder what I should do. I mean I could adopt her but am I capable of taking care of a child? This is scary. What if I end up hurting her by accident or make her sad?

We pull up to my apartment complex. The minute she gets out of the car she clings to my leg. I smile and brush some hair out of her eyes then pick her up. All I know is that she makes happy. I lead her to my apartment and open the door. She steps in and her jaw drops. I don't know why. It's nothing too special.

"It's so clean.." she barely whispers. In my eyes I needed to pick up the apartment. I chuckle and it her on the counter in the kitchen. I quickly make us two veggie burgers and throw some fries in the oven. I hope she likes it.

I take off my mask and she smiles. I can't help but smile in return. "I like your smile." She says giggling slightly. "Aww thank you Lex. I like your smile too." I feel my phone continue to receive notifications.

Sean: Corpse come on are you available we need one more playerrrrr

Felix: No OnE tAkEs ThReE hOuRs At A GrOcErY sToRe

Poki: Corpse join usssssssss

Corpse: come on guys. I'm a bit busy rn :/

Sykkuno: doing whatttttt??

Corpse: I have to go guys I'll talk later. Maybe I can be on later tonight.

Felix: okay. We will wait till later. Have fun doing whatever you're doing 😂

I shut off my phone and look over at Alexis. She doesn't deserve this. She deserves to have a loving mum and dad. "Do you have crayons?" She asks me after a few minutes.

"Yes I do actually." She smiles and I go to the drawer where I keep a notebook and crayons. "Thank you." She says and starts drawing. I put our dinner on two plates. "Lexi go wash your hands before dinner please." "Okay." She says. I hear her small feet patter across the floor running to the bathroom followed by the tap turning on and 20 seconds later turning off.

She returns and sits at the table. Bringing the food over to her she smiles. "Thank youuuu." She says. "Anytime Lex." I tell her handing her a plate. She slides a picture across the table towards me. It's two stick fingers. A really short one with "me" written on top and "Corpse" written above the much taller one.

"It's beautiful!!" I praise her and she blushes slightly. I go over to the fridge and hang it up. She giggles then returning to the table we finish our dinner.

HEYYYYYYYYY. We got another part done!!! We hope you enjoy this one. We are working hard to try and get new parts to the story out as soon as possible. We love you all so much and we hope you are as excited about this book as we are.
Lots of love,
-Rose and Andy ☺️🤍

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