episode 38

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ariana's p.o.v

i started to think " oh i got it ! " i said snapping my fingers like a light bub hit my head " what is it ? " selena said looking back at ricky then me " to be honest selena it may not be the best but it's all i got .. so here it goes i think you should talk to him alone no one there .  you guy's really should talk about this , ill go home so you guy's can have some alone time . " i smiled , i stepped out of the car & grabed the twins & there bags walking my way back home " hi ariana ! " ricky said waving his hand smiling " hey ! " i waved back & made my way inside putting the twins to alseep after that i decided to call jeffrey he told me he would come at 10 yesterday but never showed up mm wonder what came up .
end of p.o.v

selena's p.o.v
i clamly stepped out of the car walking towards ricky " hey " he said smiling i really couldn't help but return the smile back " ricky " i sighed " i think we should talk but not here inside " i said opening the door letting him inside " about what ? " he said taking his jacket off " umm uh umm " i couldn't even talk i was so nervous " selena your scary me .. " he said walking towards me . i took a deep breath in & told him i was pregant " selena this is great ! i get to be a father " he said smiling " your not mad ? " i said looking him in the eye " why would i be ? " he said looking into my eye as if he was reading me " i thought you would you know .. leave me " i started to tear up " no no baby girl dont cry .. " he said  carefully sitting me onto his lap " i would never leave you . you & this baby mean the world to me " he rubing my stomach smiling " i love you " i said looking into his eyes with my arms wraped around his neck " i love you too & this baby " he gave a great beautiful passionate kiss it felt so magically like no one could break our little family apart ♡ im glad i met him he truly  is a blessing in my life so is this baby .

A/N: hi everyone someone commented on one of my chapters & told me i mispelled selena wrong & i apologize i thought it was selean but seems that im incorrect but thank you _theworks_ for correcting me i've been spelling it wrong this whole time :) it gets confuesing you know ? but anyways love you guys night ! no school torrmorr yay !!

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