episode 25

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* 1 month later *

ariana's p.o.v

i've been throwing constantly & have no idea why i mean .. im not pregant right ?  me & jeffrey did have sex but he wore a condom so theres no way . today selean wanted to talk to me about something she says shes been worried about me alot ! but i mean im fine ... jeffrey's been hanging with the guys alot &  going to pratice which is odd but i just let it go . " knock knock knock " i rushed all the way to the door & greeted selean . hey selean ! u wanted to talk ? " yes listen.. ariana im really am worried about u ... ur throwing alot ! " she says walking her way to the couch to sit down . selean u dont have to worry im fine  really "  ariana are u sure your not u know.. pregant  " im sure besides me & jeffrey used protection " ariana just because u used a condom doesnt mean the condom cant break . trust me a girl i know back where i was living had sex & used protection after she had sex with her boyfriend she kepted throwing up alot untill she went to the doctors & found out she was pregant  . "  so doesnt mean im not theres no way " ariana u cant be so sure if u dont know.. plz go to the doctors maybe u can get ur answer if u are or not " okay i will for u ! " yes ! ill just call the doctor & set a appointment torrmor at 7:30 am " okay ill be up then ..... " bye ill see u torrmor " bye i gave her a hug ...

" 3 hours later "

where's jeffrey uhh hes been leaving the house everyday & coming home on saturdays where is he i mean hes probaly with his friends they had a party for the new girl mia shes in the football team but something tells me hes cheating on me & im scared that he"ll leave me for the new girl... ariana stop thinking like this keep your head up. ! i just shruged everything off & dozed off to sleep  night world !

* next morning *

i quickly woke up & took a shower & brushed my teeth  & did my hair in a messy bun then i changed to sweats & a tank top & put some tan ugg boots on  i then put my sweater on & grabbed my phone & headed out the door . i made sure the door was locked & went inside selean's car " u ready to go ? " yup ! i said nodding my head we starting making our way to the hosptial.

* at the hostpial *

we arrived at the hostpial & went to the front desk " how may i help u ? " the lady said " yes um im here for my appointment " , " name plz ? " my names ariana marie grande " she typed my name in the computer " ahh miss grande well yes mr.star will be with u in just a moment " me & selean waited in the waiting room till my name was called * moments later * " ariana marie grande ? " i then walked up to the doctor & went to a room while selean waited for me .  " so ariana why are u here today ? " well i've been throwing up alot lately " oh.. have u had sex ? " uh yes with my boyfriend but we used protection " listen ariana there could be a possiblty that the condom could of broken .. im gonna run some test to see if u are pregant or not " okay  .. i followed the doctor to the blood work room & got some blood done he said the results should come in about 15 minutes .... so i waited in the waiting room with selean till the results came in .

* 15 minutes later *

" ariana " as soon as i heard my name me  selean followed the doctor in his office " ariana the results came in " and what are the results ? i was really nervous about what he was gonna say i was super scared what if i am pregant ? will jeffrey help me take care of our baby ? will he leave me ? lots of thoughts running through my head right now " ariana u are pregant " right when i heard thoses words i was happy but nervous how am i gonna tell jeffrey about this .. but i couldnt help but ask how many months i am " so how many months am i ? " , " u are 2 months pregant ill like to see u next month to check how the baby is " after that we lefted & headed to my house " so u excited to be a mom ? i know i am im excited to be a aunty ! " i smiled " yes but.. " i started to cry i couldnt help it how am i gonna tell jeffrey ? & espcially my dad ! . i just kepted crying selean rubed my back trying to clam me down " but what ? " selean what if jeffrey leaves me ?  " trust me he wont he loves u too much . " i sobed but i hoped for the best . we parked infront of my house i looked at the window & wiped my tears away & walked inside with selean . i saw my dad & ashley & jeffrey all three of them laughing & talking . " hey honey ! " my dad said " hey.. d-daddy " i said stunttering on my words " u okay princess ? " dad i have to talk to u in private i looked at everyone else they all walked away upstairs. i sat down on the couch & spated a spot next to me " dad i know why i've been throwing up theses pasted months " , " why ? "  dad.. i took two breaths in . dad im pregant " really ? " im 2 months actually i have a appointment next month.. i was afraid what my dad would say if he will yell at me or not " oh my god ! i cant beileve it ! im gonna be a grandpa ! " my dad says smiling . ur not mad?  " i am disapointed but im glad im gonna be a grandpa ! have u told jeffrey ? " no i havent not yet but i will " what are u waiting for tell him ! " i went upstairs & saw jeffrey hey.. " hey" i gotta tell u something " what is it ? " im .. pregant im 2 months " wow ! " we had a long slience for awhile . say something ! " ariana im sorry but i cant be a father right now im 16 years old im not ready " he then walked away & lefted i just cried " oh my god ariana u okay ? " no i told jeffrey i was pregant & he said that he cant be a father not yet  . i just sat there crying while ashley strokes my hair " im sorry jeffreys is such a dick ! but im will totally be there for your pregancy " thanks i gave her a big hug " how many months are u ? " im 2 months " wow ! wait till that baby bump kicks in " i giggled i know . we then talked for while then i went to sleep crying all day .. how could jeffrey do this to mean leave me i knew one day this was gonna happen he said he'll be there for me & now he just lefted out of my life & his daughter or son i cant beileve him i know were 16 but u gotta grow up sometime & take responbility for once in ur life  . i really thought jeffrey was the one i guess i was wrong but no matter what he will always be the father of this baby but i think what he did to me was stupid & childish but raising this baby on my own is gonna be hard i know i got my dad & ashley & selean ect . but now im gonna have lots of things to focus on i have a baby to take care of & on top of that lots of homework ! being a teen mom is gonna be alot of hard work but its life . but when i give birth i would at least like jeffrey to spend time with his son or daughter im not asking for too much is that hard to ask for ? i know ill probaly get jugded about being pregant & all but i really dont care i've got lots of things to worry about right now school & finding a job & this baby that i cant wait to hold in my arms .... mommy loves u ! ♡ i rub my stomach & instanly began to fall asleep .

Authors note : well that's all for the episode right now ill try to post daily but so far jeffrey is so messed up ! but dont worry there gonna be a couple again but for now there not . thanks guys for voting & reading u guys are awesome ! ❤ illy guys night !

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