kind of a birthday

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"I'll just get straight to the point. did you or did you not engage in illegal drug abuse?" ashley said, spinning her chair around to face angel.

angel sighed and shook her head.

"no." was all she said.

her tone could be heard as emotionless, almost lifeless. ashley looked up at her, searching her face for any suspicions.

but she just saw a little girl. a girl stripped of any kind of emotion, happiness, sadness, or even anger. she was gone.

angel looked up at her, meeting her eyes. something in them made ashley believe her words.

letting out a sigh, ashley waved angel out of her office.

"I believe you. you are dismissed."

angel was about to leave the office when ashley said one more thing.

"I will handle this dont worry. and angel." she said, holding a small box.

"happy birthday."

angel bowed at her and took the gift.

once she was out of the office and in the hallways, she took in a shaky breath.

did she forget her own birthday?

she walked the hallways of JYP once again, passing staff who whispered about her. it was inaudible to her, but she knew what they were talking about.

angel headed to a practice room. she entered the room, hoping to avoid anyone she knew.

but that wish was not granted.

"I cant believe we talked to a drug addict." was what she heard.

inside the room were stray kids, got7, twice, and itzy all talking. talking about angel.

all their eyes met with angel, who was shaking. everyone she cared for and looked up to, now saw her as a drug addict.

she didnt even do it.

angel looked at them. seungmin avoided her eye contact. nayeon started at her with wide eyes. chan scoffed.

the ones that hurt her the most was sana and jihyo. they shook their head at her.

"happy birthday to me I guess." she said, leaving the room in a hurry.

that's when all of them felt a bang in the heart. this once innocent and happy girl was now shattered. into a million pieces.

tzuyu was the only one after her. she knew what is was like to not be believed. that scandal of her holding a flag, she knew it like the back of her hand.

"I dont know angel that well. but I know she didnt do it." she said. standing up from her spot and heading towards the door.

"i would think you guys would understand her situation seeing that you are all idols and had similar situations. but no. you believed someone on the internet over a little girl you knew personally. " she finished, running after angel.

tzuyu was right. they believed someone they have no information about over angel.

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