lunch break fail

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Angel stepped out of the vocal center and looked around. There was no one to help her get to the cafeteria, let alone any directions around.

As she looked at her schedule on her phone, Angel realized she only had 45 minutes to eat and go to her next class which was a dance class. She walked around a bit more trying to find a person to help her.

Angel started to get more confused and scared. She started to run, traveling the hallways of JYP. Every hallway felt like the last. She kept running hoping to find an elevator, cafe, front desk, anything at this point.

As she started to run again, she ran into a person causing both of them to fall down. Angel fell hard on her bottom and hurt her shoulder after bumping into the person. She felt like she had run into a brick wall.

After a short amount of seconds for Angel to process the situation, she quickly remembered there was another person involved. She quickly got up and looked to she a buff man on the floor a few feet in front of her.

"Aye nako! I am so sorry! Are you okay?" Angel said, helping the man to his feet.

"God watch where you are going! Why are you even run-" He looked up at Angel. His face softened when he saw her cute face, shocked at how cute she was.

"I am so sorry! I don't know... where I am..." Angel said struggling to find the words to say, in Korean. She looked down, tears starting to build up in her eyes.

"Hey, its okay! It okay! I am fine, look! Don't worry, its okay!" The man said, guilty for yelling at little girl a few seconds before.

Angel didn't even know what he was saying. She was so frustrated at how she can't communicate with lots of people. Now, she can't even explain herself or apologize sincerely to the man. She always becomes frustrated when she can't do something. Whether it was dance, school, plans with friends, cooking, everything Angel couldn't do, she got frustrated.

"Hey, Changbin! You forgot-. What did you do!" Another man said, running towards the other man.

"Well, um, she was running and ran into me. We both fell and-. Well I don't even know Chan! I don't think she can even speak korean? She is crying now and I feel really bad cause yelled at her and-" Changbin started to ramble on before Chan started to speak to Angel.

"Hey, at you okay?" Chan spoke with a calm voice in English.

Angel looked up with him, relieved that she heard a language she knew. Chan saw her teary stained face and immediately felt a bang to his heart. He didn't even know the girl but already fell for her cute face.

"Yeah, I am fine. Is he okay though? I ran into him earlier, and I feel really bad. He sounded kinda mad..." Angel said, tear threatening to fall again.

"He is fine. You can run into him anytime. He deserves it anyway." Chan said making Angel laugh.

"So why were you running?" Chan asked.

"Well, I was trying to find the cafeteria. But then, I dont know anything about this building and-. Oh my God, I just ran into Changbin of Stray Kids." Angel said looking at Changbin. She just knocked over one of the fastest and most talented rapper in South Korea.

Angel covered her mouth when she realized who the heck she was talking to. How did she get this lucky and unlucky situation? She is talking to Chan and Changbin. Chan and Changbin of Stray Kids.

"Oh my God, it's you!" Angel said pointing to Chan.

"Uh, yes, it is me!" Chan said pointing to himself, copying her actions.

"Oh I am so sorry! I am so sorry. I am so sorry! I really really am!" Angel said bowing over and over again, trying to leave this terrible situation.

"Wait! Didn't you say, you needed help finding the cafeteria? We can help!" Chan said walking towards Angel. Angel looked at the time and saw her lunch break was technically over and she should probably go to her dance class.

Angel pouted since was extremely hungry and hasn't eaten anything except her mocha from the cafe. She threw that thought out and looked at her schedule to find what room she is going to be in, which was SR-01.

"Well, my lunch break is over now, so I have to get to my next class. Can you show me where I can find SR-01?" Angel said looking up and Chan.

Chan looked at his phone to see that him and the rest of Stray Kids are also in that room for a dance lesson. He didn't think much of it since maybe they would be teaching some trainees.

"Yeah, sure! We are heading for there right now too! Maybe we will be teaching you and the trainees!" Chan said leading the way for Angel and Changbin to follow.

Changbin has been silent ever since Chan talked to Angel. He didn't feel confident in his English to speak it with other people outside his group. He wanted to talk to Angel and tell her sorry for yelling at her.

"Uhh, sorry, for... shouting..." Changbin said in English, quietly due to self consciousness.

Angel looked up at him and smiled, showing of her eye smile and beautiful smile to him. She wasn't really sure how to talk to him. Angel was still scared he was mad at her for bumping into him.

"It's okay!" She said in Korean, giving him an okay sign with her small hands.

Changbin smiled down at her as they continued to walk to the practice room.

As they reached the room, Angel heard yelling from inside. She got nervous about taking a class with trainees for the first time. What if she was behind? How was she going to learn the dance if the teacher says it in another language? So many questions floated into her mind causing her to get more and more nervous by the minute.

Before she walked into the room after Chan and Changbin, she got a call from Ashley. She walked a little ways away from the door and accepted her call.

"Hi até! What do you need?" Angel said, happy to talk to a familiar face.

"Hi Angel! So you know that dance lesson on you schedule? Yeah, I forgot to mention that class you will be teaching some of our idols. Okay?" Ashley said, in a rush.

"Oka- wait what! I have to teach them?!" Angel whispered yelled. She got even more nervous that she now has to teach 8 men, who are older, taller, and more talented to dance! And those 8 men are Stray Kids?!

"Wait até, I don't think I can do this. I can't teach them, they are too good!" Angel exclaimed.

"Yes you can! You are very advanced in dance. Don't think I and JYP gave you this job for nothing! Just have them stretch and make them learn a little dance! I  really have to go, Angel sweetheart. Okay? Call you later. Bye!" And just like that, Ashley hung up.

//Author's Note//
I hope you like the story so far. This is my very first story and it's not the best, so please keep checking chapters because I may change the storyline every now and then. I am planning on making a profile for Angel soon, so y'all can know who she is and more fun stuff. I bye love u 💝❤️

Word Count: 1285 words

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