cafe morning

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Angel woke up to knocking on the dorm's door. She unwrapped herself from Mina's arms and put in her glasses. She walked up to the door and looked through the peep hole to see who was there. Ashley stood outside with a package for her.

Angel unlocked the door and Ashley quickly rushed inside.

"Okay I have your schedule with me right now. And I also have bad news. You start everything today. I know, I know, I know. It is on short notice, but the plus side it that Sooyoung is going with you to show you around the building so you don't get lost. Now here are your clothes for today. I pick them out for you!" Ashley said shoving the package of clothes in her arms and rushing her to the bathroom to change.

What did she say? I am what? Angel thought. Since she just woke up, she couldn't fully understand what Ashley just said to her. Finding her self with clothes and in the bathroom, she decided to change and get ready for the day.

Angel stepped into the shower, cleaning up herself. After the shower, she put on her clothes, which where yoga pants and a big blue oversided hoodie that went down to her knees. She blow dried her curly hair and put on her glasses again.

She walked outside to see Sooyoung already dressed and waiting for her.

"I see you are ready to go! Let's go come on now!" She said grabbing Angel's wrist.

"Wait , I am putting my shoes on!" Angel whined, stepping out of the dorms.

//////// Time skip cause I am lazy ///////

Sooyoung and Angel arrived at the JYP building. Sooyoung explained Angel's first task of the day was to work at the cafe there.

"Okay to get to the cafe, which is on the 2nd floor, we have to go down this hallway to the elevator. Okay?"

Angel nodded and tried to remember the directions since she was going to be doing this everyday. She looked like a lost puppy following it's mom.

"Then after getting on the second floor, we take a right and we are here!" Sooyoung exclaimed.

"Alright, I will com back at around 12 pm to bring you to your next task. Be safe and don't go anywhere after you are done with your shift. Remember the numbers we taught you last night. Okay?" Sooyoung said, bringing Angel into a hug and kissing her forehead.

"Okay até! I won't! Now let me go to work!" Angel said, squeezing Sooyoung tightly before letting go and waving goodbye.

She walked up to the cashier, waiting for an employee to come and help her. A boy, about 5 years older than her (19 years old) came up to the girl.

(In Korean)

"Are you the new employee?" He said lowering his mask.

"Yes I am! I was wondering if you could s-show me around. I am very new to this j-job." Angel said, trying to speak korean.

"Alright, let me show you! Also I can speak English so don't worry about talking a whole lot of Korean with me!" He said.

Angel learn a whole lot from the boy. She learned that cafe has to open at 7:30 every morning, meaning she had to show up at 7:00 am everyday to help open up. The boy's name was Kang Tahee and he was a college freshman. He was working this job to help pay for his tuition. Also, employees can have free drink and food while they are on their shift.

He gave her an ear piece that connected both them. Tahee told Angel this was so they can still talk to each other to make orders, and gossip, without being right next to each other. Angel was so excited to use them!

Tahee showed Angel how to make the drink and where everything was. He also taught her how to work the cash register and how to talk to customers. Not a lot of people came to the cafe today, so Tahee and Angel had a mini Korean lesson. He taught her how to say curse words and other weird phrases. Then a huge group of people came into the cafe. More specifically, 8 people.

Tahee asked if Angel could handle the order while he makes the drinks. Angel said yes and went to the register to help them.

When Angel went to the large group of customers, and asked what they would like. She looked up at them, only to realize it was Stray Kids! She secretly fan girled as she tried to regain self control.

(In Korean)
"Hi, welcome to the JYP Cafe! How can I help you today?" Angel said, not stumbling in her words after her Korean lesson with Tahee.

"Can I get an small iced Americano, 3 cold brews, 1 large yogurt smoothie, 1 chocolate smoothie with boba, and 2 lemonades?" Seungmin said.

"S-sure! Your t-total is t-twenty ss-seven thousand won, p-please." Angel said struggling to say the words. Tahee noticed and reminded her the pronunciation, through the ear piece.

Seungmin and the other members noticed and laughed. Angel felt embarrassed and looked down when Seungmin gave her his card.

"Hey, it's okay. I understand korean isn't an easy language. But don't look down, I want to see your cute smile!" Seungmin said, giving her a warm smile.

Angel blushed and quickly snapped back into reality, retuning to her job and giving him back his card.

"Would y-you like y-your receipt?" Angel asked.

"Sure!" Seungmin said, holding his hand out as she put it into his hand.

Angel rushed to help Tahee make the drinks, as Stray Kids went to sit down. They all nudged Seungmin for complementing with her. Tahee dramatically whined about how Angel would be taken away from him. Angel slapped his arm saying she will never leave him.

As the drinks were ready to go, Tahee announced their order was ready. Stray Kids went up to take all the drinks. Angel passed out the drinks to each member, and once she got to Seungmin, he gave her a wink and a napkin. She blushed but continued to pass out drinks. Tahee and Angel bowed to them as they left the little shop.

Angel looked down at the napkin Seungmin gave her. On it, he wrote 'Hey! I thought you were adorable. Keep working hard with your korean. Hit me up if you need any lessons :)' There were also numbers at the bottom, which she assume was his number. Angel smiled as she put it in her bag for later.

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