Oh dear

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My heart is going a million miles an hour right now. Those kisses just *awkward hand motions* blehhhamakfjs. I can't make words.

You know that feeling on a roller coaster when you know how it feels but every time it still gives you an adrenaline rush. That happens everytime. I know how your kisses feel but everytime it surprises me how happy I feel around you.

I feel invincible. I could take on anyone or anything when you hug me but when I look into those hazel eyes of yours my legs go to jelly and I feel small and insignificant. But in the way that makes me appreciate that your mine. That makes my heart race and my hands shake and my stomach does summersaults.

And the moment i leave I miss you. And I feel alone and scared because your not there. Your not there to hug me and kiss me and give me log lectures about the little things you love about me. Your not there to squeeze my hand and smile at me.

And I never want to let you go.

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