The bottom

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I'm not depressed but a few weeks ago, I sure acted like it. I felt so alone. My friends were mad at me (or so I thought), I lost my boyfriend, Luke, and the guy I lost him for was still a bit frustrated with me. I was all alone. And what's worse is that my dad isn't sympathetic. He calls me stupid and beats me down. He thinks it helps but it doesn't.
One night I lost the guy who I thought would stand by me forever. And that was it.

I ran up to my room and locked my door and braced my dresser against it. I put on a nice dress, so at least when my parents found me I wouldn't look as ugly as usual. I wrote a note, explaining what I was doing, why, and that I loved them. I grabbed my scissors, my hands shaking.
I pressed the edge against my palm and tried cutting. It wouldn't cut. I pressed harder and winced but nothing would happen. No blood, no cut. I threw them aside and grabbed another pair. I tried again. No blood. No cut. I growled in frustration and threw them across the room with rage. "The fucking scissors won't fucking work!" I muttered to myself. I resorted to scratching. I dug my sharp nails into my skin and cried softy as my skin became raw an red. Small specks of blood dripped down my arm.
I looked out my window and sighed, staring at the moon. My phone buzzed. I looked down and my friend suddenly texted me.
"Hey what's up?" He asked.
That changed everything. I wasn't alone. It all slammed into my chest all at once. I wasn't alone. I had family. I had my niece to think about. And then I remembered my promise to Him. To AJ.
I promised I would always be there.
I snatched up my scissors and slammed them into a drawer and slammed it shut and breathed heavily. I shuddered and talked o my friend. I couldn't stop thinking about Him though. He needed me. He needed me here for him, for when he feels alone.

I looked at my note and ripped t to shreds, tears streaming down my cheeks. I carried the pieces to my bathroom and flushed it.

I soon fell asleep.

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