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Jeanette is my sister.
She was a lot like me as a kid, in the way she behaved at least. She was fussy and bratty and very destructive. She also had a psycho  for a father. He would grow his own weed and get drunk and high all at once. She was really little but it definitely changed her.
I was very young but I remember taking out the trash and seeing bloody tissues in the garbage. I just thought she had bloody noses. Poor poor innocent me.

Jeanette and my dad never get along. Never have and probably never will. And they would fight constantly. I was like a rope in tug of war, and my mom and dad were Yanking from one side and Jeanette was pulling from the other. One day it all changed. I learned Jeanette had cut. I figured it out. I wasn't stupid.
I was sitting at our table, it was a Thursday. I tacked away at the computer and looked up at my dad who was cutting vegetables for dinner. His phone buzzed and he read it. His face quickly went white and he rushed to the stairs. "JEANETTE, GET DOWN HERE!" He yelled and I heard her thundering down. I stared at the screen, trying to not look up as she slumped in her chair. It was quiet for a moment, then my dad spoke. "Show me your wrists," he said cooly.
I looked up sharply and stared at Jeanette, my eyes wide with terror.
She scowled. "Fuck you," she snapped and crossed her arm, her sleeves covering her wrists.
"I said show me your wrists!" He said loudly and made a grab at her arm. He clamped his hand around her arm and dragged er from the chair. The entire table slid over and I squeaked. They tussled, Jeanette trying desperately to punch him away. I sat there, my knees to my chest and I rocked back and forth, my breath shaky and ragged. Dad had her arms pinned behind he back and she faced me. "Call the cops Ev call the cops!"
I regret this the most.
I did nothing. Nothing. I sat there, terrified and sobbed, trying to block out the noise. Things died down and Jeanette sat down and y dad sat beside me. He looked at me and reached out his arms for a hug. I quickly scooted as far from him as I could and I could see the look of hurt in his eyes.
I still can't even sit next to him anymore.
Jeanette ran away and bounced from house to house, but soon she landed in a "mental kid camp,". She was only supposed to e there for a few months.

She was there for a year.

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