Valentines Day

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Oh the joy.
The day where every couple comes to gather to rub it in the faces of everyone else of how great they have it. To laugh in our face and make us feel bad for "not trying" or "not being good enough," or mostly what happens in my case I just suck at relationships. I try. I really do.
And when I screw up, I try really really hard to fix it, but it makes it worse.
And then they don't see I try. They think I give up.

And now I make cookies for myself, cry a bit, eat most of the raw dough, and bake the rest. I read a bit, draw to much, and watch Netflix and old reruns. And sadly they all make me think of you.
There is always the guy who acts like you, or has stupid quirks, or have a big ass truck I know you want.
You have ruined every song for me, and every show, and every damn thing for me.


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