Reforming the good girl 2.

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I hope that 2021 brings blessings and Happiness to each of us.

It had been two hours since Amanda gave me my new tattoos. I decided that there was no point looking like a bad bitch then wearing glasses, so we trashed them . I was currently getting new clothes from Amanda's pile that she has never worn, because with the state of my parents, they won't give me shit.
The school Alarm rang out so we all headed to the auditorium.
The same Warden who placed me in a room was the one who was sitting on a chair that faced the Student body space.

He started by saying "Today's lesson is Shame.
We are all human beings, and I bet non of us want to be ashamed of anything. But that's wrong. Its ok to feel Shame because with out it, you get used to doing stupid things for stupid reasons.
You'll refuse to think about what you are about to do, and that has consequences.
Think about it.
In my early teen years, I was a drug addict.
I would wake up every morning, steal my father's money and use it to buy drugs.
Now you all know who my father is right?.
(Some shouted no.)
My Father is the Senate president of the Republic down there in America.
So he had enough money to not notice what I used his money to do.
Until one day he was hosting a meeting with some of the big guns in the society, and I entered the house stoned, walked up to president Obama and slapped the living day lights out of him then passed out in the middle of my father's meeting room.
If I had any shame would I have done that?.No.
I won't even have been stoned in the first place.
When I woke up the next morning, Obama was beside my bed and he said to me "you should be a boxer, my face is still red." Then he chuckled . I remembered my father so I began to beg him because slapping the president wasn't really a good way to greet.
"Obama hugged me and said he wouldn't do anything of the sort. He single handedly, financed my rehabilitation and he went down on his knees with me to beg for my father's forgiveness.  I was lucky , but some don't end well. Now that brings us to why you are here.
Do you know what am going to do with you?.
Am not going to tell you what your parents and family tells you.
Am not going to criticize you because I know that it won't help
What am going to do is to try to harness your talent and skills and make you a better person." He stood up and said. I want everyone to write down their abilities , talent, skills , what ever you are awesome at . No matter what it is. Write it and give it to your teachers over there at the gate.
If you don't write it you can't get outside so please, write it so you guys can get rest." 

My list looks like this:
Hair weaving

In half an hour we were out so I am Amanda discussed the first thing we were going to do when we got out

"I'll have to get a job here so I can save serious amounts of money.
I'll need to move out of my parents house in Lagos. After  that I'll enroll myself in a lesson center so I can write waec and Jamb with my mates over there.
Obviously I'll need to get a job there  so the money I'll earn here has to be enough to sustain me for..."

"I know a good job that'll fetch you plenty of money." Amanda interrupted . "If you're ready, we can go now."she said.
"What's the job?" I asked her.
"Well, it's a cinima job.   The owner is looking for someone who will come in every evening, keep account for him, know what's happening , stuff like that. And yh you have to watch the  Camera footage every day." She said.

"I can do that. How much is the pay?." I asked.

"Its $300,000 but I'll get him to raise it." She said.
I jumped on her.  "Sis, that's more than my parents earn in Nigeria. Thank you so much.but what if I don't get the job?"
She smirked at me.
" Ohh trust already has your name on it." She said.

Author's note:
Am so sorry guys...I hope you haven't lost hope in it already.

Happy New year.🤯💃💥

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