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Thanks to adoreexfayyy, she made my  day with my lovely message....Thank you baby girl💋🥰♥️.

Veronica's pov

I know I look like the devil's right hand man, but its not as bad as it is, honestly.....I actually love my sister. I just don't like the fact that she's too flawless.
  I mean, Victoria doesn't get B's.
She doesn't need makeup Because her face is too flawless, and she doesn't have to stress her self to do anything because she is just perfect, but do you know the most annoying part of this, no matter how much I try to get her to hate me so she can have a flaw, this girl actually loves me. And I know because actions speak louder than words.
Honestly I look like what we call
"FOLLOW - COME" next to her. Like as if God decided to give her a permanent joke after making her, and that permanent joke was me.
I need to get her to leave. To send her away. Because honestly, I can't bear to stay near her again.
I successfully got my parents to turn against her.
I successfully got the whole class to turn against her .
I 've been bullying her since I got the chance, but some how, her goodness managed to shine through. Tanya just had to go and redeem her, and I can't touch Tanya because Jeremy would have my head in a heartbeat.
This is so annoying.
She just has to be so perfect.

I got down from the car and went to Meet my groupies. We hugged even though we see everyday. Uhh, so fake.

And then I say the prettiest boy I have ever seen in my life .

He was obviously new, because he went right ahead to next chair and the only available chair in the class is the one right next to Victoria.

The guy obiviously didn't care that half the population of girls were staring at him, because he was just sitting there with head phones in his ears. Victoria walked into the class with Tanya and Jeremy and almost did a double take .HA. Typical Vicky.
Another New guy entered the class carrying a locker and chair,he was fine too, but he looked like he knew he was fine, and boys that know that they are fine are Dangerous.

The class teacher walked into the class, making all of us get up. We did the normal Nigerian school ritual , stand up, say a long ass greeting. Boring.

"These are the new students assigned to this class for this year. Joshua And Damian Agberuagba, they are fraternal twins. .. boys, your welcome.sit down".
I smirked to myself . "Welcome boys. It gonna be one hell of a ride ." I thought.

Victoria's pov:

         I was just checking my chair and my locker incase of Veronica's issues . You never know when she begins to plan her rubbish.
The new fraternal twins were cute Sha. Expecially Joshua. And now his sitting down next to me, while Damian was sitting next to Veronica's basketball friends. Typical.
I got a text so I had to look down at the phone.

"Joshua ehh": f Tanya.

"You mean the new boy?: Vicky.

"Yes, him. Don't pretend, his cute: Tanya.

"Don't you have a boyfriend: Vicky.

"So your not denying Tanya

              I put my phone down because the Government teacher walked in and I wasn't about get caught texting in class.

The class ended in 1hour and 20 minutes. She left the class and I put down my head, trying to rest. 

"Hey. Can you lend me your notes?. "He said. I almost died. Joshua actually spoke to me. "Umm yh....sure." I was still staring at him.
"Um, the notes?"he asked.
"Yh, about that....I can't give you all my notes at the same time....I can help you too." I said.
He grinned. "Thanks, that would be nice. " Tanya smirked at me. "If she's helping you, am helping you." Tanya said.
"If my girl is helping you, am helping you too."Jeremy said.
I grinned. "Let's share the notes then, we'll copy two each, and you, you'll copy three because it's your notes. But to be fair, you'll copy the ones that don't have too much weight.
We  smiled at each other and began to copy the notes.

Great, new friend alert.

Author's note:
      Hey, beauties!!!.
Well, I know you guys weren't expecting Veronica's pov, but even the devil has a point of view, and we need to know it.
Anyway, Joshua and Damien are here to spice things up 😈🖤😈
I know I said next week but, I couldn't resist ni.

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