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Veronica's pov:
          "See, Veronica, this whole thing you are doing won't work. Bullying her makes her the victim, it only encourages people to like her."Dorathy said.
"What else do you want me to do?, nothing is working!!" I snapped loudly.
      "Use your brain. Stop acting like a dumb bitch."she said, making me glare at her.
     "I have a full proof plan, one that Tanya and her bodyguard boyfriend won't expect. If you want to get to God, follow Jesus Christ. Tanya is her bestie right now. I will go to Tanya and tell her that I am not comfortable with the way you treat Victoria and I am trying to make you see reason with me. A week later, you go to her and tell her that you want to win your sister back because you are sorry.  Of course your main aim is not your sister because your sister is going to be very happy about you coming back to her. The main aim is Tanya. By then she will believe you really want your sister back. Then a few weeks after that,we will go to a party with Victoria and Tanya. Obiviously, Tanya will be too busy with her stupid ass boyfriend, so we will slip a sleeping pill in her drink and get some area boys to pose as if she is sleeping with multiple boys.
One of those boys will send the pictures directly to your mom. If they don't send her to a correctional facility, they'll definitely send her to the village
  That way, we remain friends with Tanya and Jeremy, you get Joshua, every one is happy!" Dorathy concluded.
"Thank you so much!!"I said, grinning and hugging her.

"What are friends for?" She said, laughing.

At least in this plan, no body gets hurt, and I can finally have my own spotlight, with out having to hear how smart and good natured my sister is.


I saw Dorathy rush outside the classroom with Tanya and I smirked. Shit is about to get real.
Thirty minutes later, They both entered the class.
Dorathy sent me a text message.

Dora😍: Phase one is complete 😊🤪😏I love acting.

me: Thanks 🥺 this is the best help ever☺️

Dora😍:😎😎 pleasure is mine 😈no one else should know about this, not even the rest of us. Delete this messages when you are done.🤫.


Author's note:
      I am so sorry guys...I know it's too short but  am not really in the right health frame to post more.
I know you guys hate filler chapters like I do.
I promise, next chapter is going to be really promising
See you next week.
Adios 😘🥰

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