Home coming.

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As I laid on my bed I remembered how easy it was to get the job Amanda promised me  a month ago.
My boss had increased it to $600,000 after Amanda Spoke to him.
A month had passed and I was 200 and something richer in Naira. I could pay for everything I'll ever need in Nigeria.
Technically, all I'll need to do is invest in a big Successful company, use Vera as my adult mentor to sign it to a new Nigerian back account.

I was brought out of my thinking when the wardan knocked on my door.
"Hey Victoria." He said with a smile.
"I know your supposed to stay here for Six months but due to your good behaviour and the fact that we have proof that you didn't do those things, we'll let you go."
"What do you mean you know I didn't do it?" I said.
"Remember those medical tests that we make you guys take?" He asked.
I nodded. "We didn't find any drug in your system, or any signs that you have ever taken them. And the pregnancy test shows your a virgin.
So literally, you were right. It couldn't have been you in those videos. So pack your bags and head to my office. Your parents are here to pick you up." He said, leaving the room.

My parents.
Proof that am innocent.....this was going to be really fun.

After tearful good byes and hugs to Amanda , Jason and others, I carried my small box to the Warden's office.
My parents were looking at me in a suprised manner.
My mom hugged me tight crying.
"I have missed you so much." She said.

"Me too mum". I replied  "Warden , can I have a word with you outside?".
He Excused himself and followed me out side.
"My parents. Do they know am innocent?".
"No. Not yet. I wanted to tell them when you where present, so I just told them we are letting you out on good behaviour."he replied..
"Sir , don't tell them anything please. I want to tell them at home when everyone would be present.so I can clear my name." I asked.
"Sure. These  are your test results and a written statement from us."

I put the papers into my hand bag .

We headed straight to the airport and in a few minutes we were home.
I opened the door to go in and lo and behold, Veronica and Vera were waiting for us.

"Baby, go to your room and freshen up." My father said.

"No.i want to say something first.
Daddy and mommy. That video you saw had me looking like I was smoking and drinking and having multiple partners during sex right?. Well this is proof that I have never smoked, drank, or done had drugs before."I said.
"The medical reports said that I don't have a trace of drugs, smoke or alcohol in my system."
I said , smirking.  They all looked shocked except Vera.
That's not all. "This pregnancy test proves that am a certified virgin. So it isn't possible for me to have done those things that you all accused me of.
"Well. If I didn't do it, Veronica obviously did it. That's all I came to this house to tell you all.
Vera please take me to my new house." I said, collecting  my reports from my parents hands.
Vera got in the car while I put my small box containing my stuff into the boot.
We sped off before our parents could think of following us.

"I missed you so much Victoria. Everything is set. The money, everything. I have even invested in the companys you chose . Here are the papers of both your house, car, investments, everything. Even the bank statements are complete." She said.
"I have to go to my own apartment because my exams start tomorrow. i informed your principal that you will be back tomorrow so get some rest. Good night." She said, hopping into her car and Zoomed off.


I drove to school wearing my old uniform with sneakers and my old school bag.
People stopped to point at me like I was a statue or something.
I saw Tanya talking to Joshua and Jeremy about something, so I crept up behind her and hugged her from behind. She saw me and screamed, tackling me to the ground in her joy. "Ohh my God. I missed you so much." She said. We immediately left the guys without another word and headed to class.

Once our class teacher sat down every body was sitting down, I raised my hand .

"Ohh. Hello Victoria. Welcome. What is the matter?" My class teacher asked.
"Ma, I have an announcement to make." I said.
"You can go ahead ." She said

I walked up to the class with the medical reports in my hands.
"Am really sure that you guys saw that video that led me out side the school in suspension."
People  nodded.

"This medical reports say that I have no trace of smoke, hard drugs or alcohol in my system. So how could I have done what was in that video?"
People were gasping now.

"Then this is a pregnancy test. Please. My people in this report, it says that I have never had sex before. So how then am I capable of doing double penetrations?" I asked again.

Veronica was crying now. Joshua was shocked. Tanya was smiling so wide. My class teacher shared the same look with Veronica.

I gave the reports to my class teacher to read .

"Now if it wasn't me who did this then obviously it was Veronica .
If you've had sex with her raise your hand. " I said

All the guys except the smartest guy in our class and Joshua raised their hand.

"We know she smokes, drinks and does hard drugs too
So it's not me obviously."  I said.
I collected my medical reports from my class teacher and walked back to my seat.

Finally. I exposed her and got my revenge.
I smiled, hugging Joshua and Tanya happily.


Authors note:
We are finally done with the story 'My Twin.'
Thanks for the love and support.
This is my first completed book on wattpad so thank you , every one.
Wishing you all a happy new year .

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