f i v e

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Michael stared at his lap, scratching at the stains on the thighs of his black skinny jeans. He had been sitting in the quiet, small cafe for almost an hour now. Luke was supposed to meet him there a whole hour ago.

Michaels head darted up at the sound of the bell at the top of the door. In walked a group of boys all in the same school uniform; Navy blue blazers with nice red ties. Just like the kind Luke wears.

The boys were loud and rambunctious. They said inappropriate things to the waitress, laughed about stupid things and threw napkins at Michael. After a while they started to call him names like "fag" "emo" etc.
Michael sat there wondering where his blonde was and just as he took one sly glance towards the boys he saw his brunette hiding his face. without a second thought Michael stood up from his table and briskly walked out.

Mikey wondered how much will power it took Luke to not say anything. Maybe it was easy for him to just watch. Michael was fuming with anger, but not once did he let salty tears fall from his eyes. His father once told him that tears were for the weak and attention seeking. He would say it every time he got drunk. He would stumble into the house late at night and just yell at Michael.

Luke didn't go after Michael. He sulked in the back of the cafe. He was ashamed of his selfish actions but made no move to mend them. Luke did stupid things in his life and he knew that.

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