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(A/N: There might be a few errors in this chapter regarding Lily's age and it might take me a few days to get started with the editing. So to sum this up, Lily is 5 years old in this chapter.)

To sum up Lillian Ariana Smith's life one would only need a word. That word being 'ordinary'. She, like every other five year old on her street, was getting ready for her first day of primary school. And like every other girl, she couldn't wait to start learning things outside of home.

"Good morning mum!" she greeted cheerfully as she ran down the stairs, backpack in hand as her neatly tied pigtails flew behind her shoulders.

"Woah calm down little lady or you're going to get hurt." her dad scooped her up before hoisting her in his arms. She giggled as he showered kisses all over her face, the smell of hot bacon sizzling in the kitchen entering her nose.

"Dad stop. Your beard tickles!" the ten year old shrieked, tucking her head into his neck as her father chuckled.

Only, he wasn't her father. And the woman in the kitchen wasn't her mother. And her last name wasn't really Smith. But Lily knew that. She'd known it since her fourth birthday. She didn't care that she was adopted. All she knew was that her mum and dad loved her very much and she loved them right back. And she was going to have a younger sibling to play with quite soon.

"Connor, she's done it again!" a pregnant woman called out worriedly, exiting the kitchen with her frying pan still in hand. "Honey, we talked about this." she set it aside as her husband put Lily back down. "You can't go about growing my saplings. The neighbors are already nosey as it is."

"Sorry, I'm just very very very very excited." Lily pouted.

Conner and Olivia Smith had come to terms with the fact that their daughter wasn't completely ordinary. But their love for their child overpowered everything. Even if it was the spontaneous bursting of a vase when she was angry. Thankfully, that wasn't very often.

"Aw sweetie, it's okay." her mom ran her hand around her face lovingly. "I love that you can do that, okay? But the old lady next door is growing suspicious day by day." she kissed the top of Lily's head. "Thankfully, I took the plant back inside before she could see." she laughed lightly.

"See? No harm done." her father crouched next to his pregnant wife with a bright grin on his face. "Who wants mum's bacon?"

"Me!" she cried, jumping up and down ecstatically. "I want bacon!"

"And bacon you shall receive." her mother laughed, standing back up and returning to her pan.

Lily's first day at school was just like every other thing in her life. Ordinary. Her best friend, otherwise referred to as Murphy Brown, kept her company. The teachers were kind. The children were nice, and she had fallen in love with her school.

But that was the day that Lillian Ariana Smith's ordinary life changed into a not-so-ordinary one. And she knew something was wrong just as her parents picked her up from school that day. Her mother didn't wear the bright charming smile she usually did. Her dad didn't have the same playful glint in his eyes that he always did. Sure, they asked her how her first day of school was, or which subject was her favorite, or all the things she'd learned. But the smiles on their faces were forced. And she could tell. It only worsened when they pulled into the driveway.

"Honey..." Connor Smith turned around in the car slowly. "When we go inside, you're going to meet somebody."

"Who?" she asked curiously.

"It's... well he says his name is Severus Snape." her mother smiled uneasily.

"Snape? That's a funny name." the young girl giggled. "Is he one of your friends?" she looked at her parents expectantly. The couple exchanged a look.

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