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Lily felt as if she'd only rested her eyes for a minute until she opened them again. It was dawn. Percy was still asleep and she didn't dare move in fear of waking him. Even then, he got up off her shoulder after about fifteen minutes.

"Good morning." she whispered, kissing his cheek.

"Good morning." Percy smiled slightly, his hands lightly tracing over a scar on the cheek. It was from the night of Bill and Fleur's wedding. Besides that, Lily was sure she looked like a mess. There was dirt all over her face, small cuts here and there, running up her arms and a few on her face. But Percy still looked at her as if she was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. "Did Harry-"

"He left." she said softly. "I saw him leave."

There was a slight chatter from everyone in the room as people rushed their way out into the courtyard. Percy stood up slowly, bringing Lily up with him before they left, joining Molly and George Weasley. They watched, speechless as the Death Eaters came led by none other than Voldemort himself.

She saw Hagrid, carrying somebody, but he was too far away to tell who it was.

The man with reptilian features stopped. Hagrid was close enough to tell who he was carrying. Lily didn't want to accept it.

"Who is that?" Ginny asked, gulping. "Hagrid's carrying? Neville who is it?" she asked, panicking.

Voldemort's face turned up into a sinister smile. "Harry Potter... is dead!"

"NO! NO!" Ginny screamed, attempting to run towards the boy before her father pulled her back hurriedly.

"Silence!" Voldemort bellowed. "Stupid girl... Harry Potter is dead. From this day forth, you put your faith in me." he grinned before turning around, facing the Death Eaters. "HARRY POTTER IS DEAD!" he laughed a hideous laugh.

Lily saw Murphy cackle along with the rest of them.

He spread his hands outward, like Jesus. "And now is the time to declare yourself. Come forward and join us. Or die."

Not a single person moved.

"Draco!" Behind Voldemort, a long haired man with platinum blonde hair, which looked dirty called out hastily, as he searched inside the crowd. It was Lucius Malfoy. "Oh, Draco."

Everyone turned around to look at the boy.

If Lily thought he hadn't looked miserable enough before, he definitely did then. She could see the conflict in his eyes. She could tell he didn't want to go.

"Draco..." a woman besides Lucius, probably Draco's mother, said calmly, "Come."

Draco looked away, gulping before he gave in and walked down the stairs.

"Ah, well done Draco, well done." Voldemort smiled, pleased as he hugged the boy.

He hugged Draco Malfoy. It was probably the most awkward moment Lily had ever witnessed.

Lily's face fell as Neville Longbottom staggered his way to the front. She didn't believe that someone as gentle and caring as Neville would join the dark side. But then again, she had thought Murphy was a good person, and she'd known him since they were three.

Voldemort looked at the boy, not very impressed. "Well, I must say I'd hoped for better."

The Death Eaters laughed wildly.

"And who might you be young man?"

"Neville Longbottom." the brown haired boy said quietly.

The Death Eaters laughed once more. Murphy one of the loudest. Lily felt her blood boil.

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