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"Here you go, two Butterbeers." Madame Rosmerta smiled warmly at the two as she placed down two mugs of the sweet liquid that made Lily salivate in an instant. She reached out and quickly took a sip, sighing in content as she placed it back down.

Terrence chuckled.

"What?" Lily asked.

"You've got something, right there." the boy grinned, pointing to his lip.

Lily blushed and wiped the cream mustache off her face with the back of her hand.

"Better." the boy said, taking a sip of his drink as well. "Your parents are Muggles, right?"

Lily froze at the question. "Yes. And if you're asking me because of the pureblood mania, I have news for you buddy-"

"Calm down Lily." he mused, finding humour in her defensive nature. "Unless you haven't realized by now, I'm not like the other Slytherins. Would a Slytherin help you with your Transfiguration studies?"

Lily contemplated before a guilty look overcame her face. "You're right. I'm sorry." she sighed. "It's just- not all Slytherins are as accepting of Muggleborns as you seem to be."

"That's alright. I just had a few curious questions."

"Oh. Go ahead then. Anything to quench someone's thirst for knowledge." she grinned.

Terrence laughed.

"What do your parents do for a living?"

"For a living?" Lily repeated his question. "Well, my dad's a doctor. And my mom, she mostly stays at home, but during the weekends, she helps out at the homeless shelter."

"What's a doctor?"

"It's kind of like a Muggle version of a Healer. Doctors cure sick people. Without spells of course." she laughed at the thought of her dad waving a wand over a fractured leg.

"That's interesting..." Terrence quipped.

"Have you thought about what you want to do once you graduate?"

Terrence nodded at once. "I've had my mind set since I was twelve. I'm going to be an Auror."

Lily grinned. "That's wicked. I haven't decided on something yet, but Quidditch sounds good."

"You've still got time." Terrence smiled. "So, I hear you're going to the Ball with one of the Durmstrang boys?"

Lily almost spit out her Butterbeer.

"What makes you think that?"

"So it's not true?"

"What's not true?"

"One of the Ravenclaws started this rumour saying that they saw one of them kiss your hand the other day, and then you left the room blushing."

Lily gasped. "What in the world? I only spoke to him once, and that too was before I even knew there was a bloody Ball. I don't even remember his name."

"You've been so busy studying you haven't even talked to anyone?"

"Only for a week!" she almost shrieked. "How was I supposed to know the rumour would spread that fast?"

"So you don't have a date to the Ball?"

"No." Lily shook her head, wondering what Oliver and mainly Percy were thinking.

"Higgs? What're you doing here with her?" Marcus asked as he and Patricia Parkinson approached their table. "You should know better than to hang around with mudbloods." he sneered.

Pompous | A Percy Weasley FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now