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"GRYFFINDOR!" the Sorting Hat yelled out once it had been on Lily's head. The girl smiled, walking up the cheering table. She sat down next to Charlie and Bill.

Charlie clapped her back. "I knew you'd be a Gryffindor. Welcome, to Hogwarts' best house."

Lily grinned in response. Honestly, she would have preferred Slytherin, but was still glad that she was sorted into a house where she already knew someone. "Feels good to be here." she nodded. "Oh, it's Percy's turn!" she looked at the pedestal hopefully. "He was worrying the entire train ride whether he was going to get into Gryffindor."

"If he doesn't, he's definitely getting into Ravenclaw. Sometimes mum has to make him stop studying." Bill let out a casual laugh as the Sorting Hat sat on the boy's head for a good two minutes, before yelling out Gryffindor.

With a huge grin, the boy made his way to their table, sitting down across Lily.

"Welcome little brother." Bill high-fived him. "Two Gryffindors in a row. We're doing really well."

"Why did it take you so long?" Lily asked Percy. The boy turned red and looked away, shaking his head.

"It's nothing. Stop asking."

Lily huffed and looked away as Charlie watched them with a comical expression.

A while later, Oliver too was sorted into the house.

"This is perfect. We're all friends now." the brunette boy said, swinging his arms around Percy and Lily as they entered the Gryffindor common room. It was nice and warm and cozy and there was a merry fire crackling by the fireplace. Lily could tell he was speaking the truth because she could still read his mind. It was hard to concentrate with everyone else in the common room as well, so she didn't use it as often.

"I guess..." Percy sighed.

"It looks like Percy here doesn't want to be our friend Livvie." Lily pouted resting her hand on Oliver's shoulder.

"That's not true!" Percy blushed a furious red.

"Oh it's true." Lily eyed him playfully. "Fun fact, I'm a Legilimens."

"A what?" Oliver asked, not believing his ears the first time around.

"Legilimens. I can read people's minds. Apparently, I was born with it." she chuckled, before beckoning the two closer. "It's how I know that you," she pointed at Percy, "Want to be Minister of Magic by following that list you made when you were eight, and that you," she pointed at Oliver, "Want to join the Quidditch team."

"Woah." Oliver looked at her with wonder. "You're really good at it."

"I don't need to try. But I avoid using it when I'm in crowds. It's kind of... well it's chaotic when I'm surrounded by a lot of people. Lot's of voices in my head." Lily explained.

"Can you not do that when we're together please? Read my mind?" Percy asked with a small frown.

"Looks like Weasley's got some real dark secrets." Oliver wiggled his eyebrows mischievously. Percy's cheeks fired a bright red at that.

Lily just smiled sweetly, placing an arm on his shoulder. "It's okay Perce, I won't read your mind when we're together. I promise." she said seriously. "We're all allowed to keep our thoughts to ourselves."


Lillian Ariana Smith's first class was Charms with Professor Flitwick and Hufflepuff House. She sat in between Oliver and Percy while the rest of the class chattered about because the Professor hadn't arrived by then.

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