The truth shall set you free. Pt 1.

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Hey guys I can't tell you how ecstatic I am with the responses from my polls. As of now the poll is over and I've gone through the results and I must say that the answers are pretty divisive.

I won't bore you with the details of each poll so I'll just explain what's going to happen. However in an attempt to keep everyone happy I will make compromises.

Izuku won't be returning to UA.

He will still work with them, because he's a hero.

Ochako won't be repairing her friendship with Asui.

They will act civil towards each other.

My surprise will be revealed either late this chapter or early next chapter.


Now onto the fic.

Tartarus prison Izuku POV.
I can't believe it, what I'm hearing, what I'm seeing, I can't believe any of it!
I'm in this hell hole because the villains framed me just to shatter my trust in heroes, just to deal a blow to hero society as a whole. It's madness!

But the vexing fact is that it's working. No, it worked, I can't hold faith in the people who turned their backs on me. Not All Might.
Not Nezu.
Not Aizawa.
Not my former classmates.
Not UA!

But the possibly worse than that, the secret of One for All has been outed to the public. Something I will have to deal with at some point... FML!

Inmate 1: You good boss?

I can't believe that you'd ask me such a stupid question! Ugh, it's fine, he's just trying to be there for me.

Izuku: What do you think! I just found out that the LOV messed my life up just to damage the public's faith in heroes!

Inmate 2: Hey at least it isn't too bad, they could've said nothing and let you rot here. At least now you can get out.

Not too bad. Not too bad! What the hell!

Inmate 3: Are we just going to ignore the fact that he got his quirk from All Might?

Izuku: That isn't the issue right now! Ugh I need some space to think.

As I tried to leave a large shadow came over me, I looked up and saw the man who I dethroned not too long ago.

Izuku: What do you want Ogre.

Ogre: They're worried about you, you know?


Ogre: Listen kid, as much as I hate to admit it you did a good job here, in such a short amount of time you got everyone to unite under one banner, you single handedly set everyone on a new path and that deserves praise.


Izuku: I didn't do much.


Other: You made us believe again.

Wait what!

Izuku: Huh?

Did I hear that right?

Ogre: We may not be in the high security part of Tartarus with the big shot super villains but everyone here has done some terrible things. Some worse than others. *Ah-hem* But we came here resigned to our fates that we can't be anymore than what we are. Villains. But you, you boy got us to believe that one day we can be more than what we are. You gave us hope.

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