The truth shall set you free. Pt 2.

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Hey all, SSPP here with another chapter of Framed to Famed, I'm loving all the positive feedback this fic gets and I thank you all for taking the time to read it.

This will be my 12th rewrite of this chapter. I'm exhausted.

Tartarus prison: Izuku mindscape: Izuku POV.

I can't believe it, the previous users of OFA want me to pass their quirks onto me, honestly that's so cool I can't even hold in my excitement. But at the same time I find it hard to believe, wouldn't this essentially turn me into a Nomu? How does it work? Ugh I have so many questions now!

Izuku: So let me get this straight. You want me to learn your quirks?

Nana: Essentially.

Izuku: So I can fight AFO on a more even footing?

Nana: Yes.

Izuku: Will I be able to use the quirks straight away?

Nana: Some yes, some no.

Izuku: This will hurt won't it?

Nana: Most likely.

Izuku: Bring it on.

This is so exciting!

Ichigo: Alright kid, we can ask more questions later, the first needs to explain some stuff to you.

Natsu: Ughhhhhhhh.

Sonic: Ughhhhhhhhh.

Huh, they sound like Kaminari and Ashido.

Banjo: Settle down you two.

Yagami: Those two still behave like children. How unbecoming of a vessel.

I mean you didn't have to be so harsh about it.

Ashura: Let them be, we all know that their attention spans are short.

Nana: We all know they'll end up listening anyway.

Well they are quite the group of characters.

Izuku: You guys are an interesting bunch.

Banjo: Trust us kid All for One tends gravitate towards strange people.

I'm not sure if I should be happy or offended by that.

Yagami: Speak for yourself brony.

Banjo: Just because my sister dragged me to all those conventions don't make me a brony! You damn hermit!

Yagami: Sure you keep telling yourself that, Shutter bye is the worst character.

Le gasp!

Banjo: It's FlutterShy! And she's a sweetheart!

Walked right into that didn't you.

Yagami: I rest my case.

Banjo: Wha... But I...

Yeah, he definitely walked into that one.

Ichigo: Okay okay, as amusing as this is we need to move things along.

Please do, I'm half way between being amused and mildly scared.

Ashura: Indeed we do Kurosaki. Ninth come, we have much to teach you.

Nana: Are you ready kid.

Izuku: As I'll ever be.

Ichigo: I like your spirit kid.

All Might: That's the spirit young Midorya!

I guess some things never change.

Ichigo: Toshinori on the other hand has too much spirit.

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