I'm sorry.

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I'm sorry guys I can't do this anymore.
Truly I am sorry, I won't be continuing this or any fanfic for a while. Maybe forever.

I guess you want some context.

On 26th December 2023 I left my gf of 12 years because she was cheating on me, I don't want to get into the details but I am not in the right frame of mind right now, I'm just glad my family took me in and forced me to get on anti depressants.

Truth me told if I had stayed with her cheating narcissistic ass any longer I'd have unsubscribed from life eventually. Yes it I was in that dark of a place. I'm not proud.

The maddening thing is that she didn't even notice how she was making me feel and didn't care when her own mother confronted her about it. But that's just how she is, if you can't see it, it doesn't exist.

But at least now I am free to be myself, watch what I want to watch and play my games without having my confidence and self esteem dragged through the dirt.

Of course I still have to deal with her because we have a kid together and thankfully her ego won't allow her to be seen as cruel so she's letting me see our kid. So I'm grateful for that, at least.

But you guys are not here to read my venting so I'll leave it as this and apologise once more. I am sorry for discontinuing this fic.

All of my fics are up for adoption if anyone wants to take them over, hell even rewrite them completely. You don't even have to ask just do it, as long as credit is given I don't mind.

Anyway I want to thank everyone that took the time to read my dumpster fire of a fic, those who commented and liked it, those who added it to their reading list and most of all, those who clicked that little star who's name currently evades me.

Thank you all.

I'll still be reading fics so y'all may see me around in the comments section.

Maybe I'll write again. Someday.

Sayonara. :(

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