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Hand in hand, the two boys walked through the snow, giggling and talking as they headed towards their destination. It was a peaceful, quiet afternoon, and there were hardly any people outside in the cold weather. The couple didn't care, as they had each other.

The shorter one had chestnut-brown hair, neatly combed down. A red hat with a pom-pom was on his head. He had a light tan skin colour, average-sized chocolate-brown eyes and full pink lips. His appearance was cute and lively, as he bounced up and down whilst holding the taller's hand. His eyes twinkled as he looked at the taller, his cheeks flushed red.

The taller one had strawberry-pink hair and was wearing a white beanie. He had pale skin, a small face and a v-shaped jaw. He had big, loving russet-brown eyes and plump, pink lips as well. He was calm, yet attentive, as he watched his boyfriend hold him tight to not slip on the snow. He smiled warmly as he held the shorter's hand tightly.

Jeonsu Village was coated in a thick layer of fresh snow, which covered the tops of every building and road. Icicles hung off buildings, staying in place even as the wind blew.

"Jaemin, are we there yet?" whined the shorter. "I'm freezing!"

Jaemin smiled as he wrapped his hand around Renjun's waist. "We're almost there."

They continued walking until they reached a cute café. It was painted a cloud-grey colour and the paned teal glass made it slightly hard to see through. The glass had a few white snowflakes stuck on for the winter season. There was an aesthetic sign above with the name of the café: 'Rosewood Bliss Café'.

Pushing the door, Renjun walked in, followed by Jaemin. A gush of warmth welcomed the couple, followed by a sweet scent of vanilla. They took off their coats, hats and scarves before sitting down at the seat near the window.

"Renjunnie, your hair!" Jaemin giggled.

"Hmm? What about it?" replied Renjun.

"It's all messy!" Jaemin answered.

Before Renjun could respond, the taller male leaned over and fixed his hair, pinching his cheek after finishing. Renjun stuck his tongue out before a cute smile spread across his face.

"Hello! What may I get a cute couple like you on an icy afternoon?" asked the barista with a bright smile. His nametag read 'Johnny Suh'.

"Hi! Can I get a venti size iced Americano? With no ice, it's too cold in this weather. Oh, and a croffle please!"

"And what would your boyfriend like?" Johnny asked.

"I'll take a green tea ade with no ice and a croffle, thank you," replied Renjun with his adorable smile.

"Coming right up!" Johnny said. "Have fun on your date!" He winked before turning around and leaving the couple alone.

There weren't many people at the café, making the place have a tranquil atmosphere. Soft songs were playing, giving the café a comfortable, homely feel it.

Their drinks and desserts arrived. Jaemin paid before Renjun could get to it, making him cross his arms and pout cutely. The younger grinned and pinched the elder's cheeks, causing him to stifle a smile.

"Renjunnie, remember this was where we first met?"

Renjun looked up after taking a sip of his drink. "I do! And your hair was even then a very shocking pink colour."

"I remember your snaggletooth when you smiled! It was so cute!"

"No, it wasn't!"

"Was too!"

The cute couple enjoyed their drinks and desserts whilst talking about any topic that came to mind. They enjoyed each other's presence, and even the looks they got from some old people didn't bother them.

"Renjunnie, let's take a photo for my Instagram, please?" Jaemin asked, giving his best puppy eyes and a cute pout.

Renjun couldn't resist, and after pretending to think for a while, he agreed.

Renjun couldn't resist, and after pretending to think for a while, he agreed

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