« six »

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The car ride was a quiet, peaceful one. The couple had set off early in the morning to go to Mount Deiji. They played relaxing songs as they rode towards the mountain area. Renjun spent most of the time watching Jaemin drive the car. The latter was quite surprised that it was Renjun that suggested going hiking. He normally despised any form of working out, and Jaemin had to be the one to beg and pout and plead with Renjun to agree.

"Renjunnie, why did you want to come hiking?" he asked.

"Hm? Why? Can't I spend some time with my boyfriend?" Renjun replied taking pictures out of the car window.

"It's just shocking that you wanted to come hiking out of all places. I expected you to want to pull an all-nighter, watch movies on Netflix and build a fort in your room like we did last time," said Jaemin, recalling that day.

Renjun's whole room looked like it had been flipped upside down, with pillows and blankets all over the place. But after a while, it looked like a cute, aesthetic little fort with stringed lights around the pillow building.

After a while, the Chinese male dozed off in the car, soft snores escaping his lips. The younger male smiled as he saw the elder finally getting some sleep.






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After parking the car, they both put on their gear and got ready to climb the mountain. It was slightly chilly since it was quite early, but the couple didn't mind. They set off, with Renjun leading the two. Jaemin seemed quite impressed by the male and pretended to swoon over him.

"Oh, Renjun~ my brave little hero!" Jaemin said, suddenly throwing his weight on the elder male. Renjun got slightly stunned but didn't scold the male, which made Jaemin tug on his shirt and give him a discombobulated look.

"I thought you were going to shrug me off?"

"I'm only letting you hug me now because this part of the hike is easy, and you won't be able to hug me like this for a while," Renjun replied casually.

"Ooh~ my Renjunnie's so cool~"

The mountain path grew wide where the soil was soft and then narrow in the rocky passes. There were times it was barely there at all, no more than a mild disturbance in the dirt. But always it led upward to the peak, the only destination the two of them could keep in mind. They occasionally joked around but made sure neither of them slipped while hiking. The path of stone rose ahead in rugged perfection, the light playing over the grey as if it were the fingers of a pianist upon gentle keys.

"Renjunnie~ are we there yet?" whined Jaemin, who was below Renjun.

"Almost there! Why? Are you getting bored?"

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