« eight »

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Someone knocked loudly on Renjun's front door, causing him to groan and get out of bed. Opening the door, he yawned cutely before giving the death stare at the person at his door. Except, he couldn't; because it was Jaemin. The Korean male smiled seeing the state Renjun was in. Messy hair, a cute pout as he rubbed his eyes, baggy grey joggers and a baggy rouge-pink shirt that belonged to Jaemin. The shirt was large and Renjun's whole shoulder was exposed.

"I was starting to wonder where my shirt went. It looks cuter on you either way," said Jaemin before pinching his cheek, confusing the Chinese male. He looked down at his top and turned scarlet.

"I was going to return it to you once you came around," answered Renjun, his voice becoming muffled as he was pulled into a hug by Jaemin. The male closed the door behind him and walked towards the sofa, sitting down and letting Renjun rest his head on his lap. Jaemin stroked the elder's hair, letting him adjust to the day.

"Did you forget what day it is?" Jaemin asked softly.

"Hm? Our anniversary was in January though?"

"It's Pride Month, silly!" laughed Jaemin, making Renjun sharply sit up.

"Already? What time? Are the rest coming as well? What am I going to wear?"

"Slow down on the questions, baby!" said Jaemin. He slipped a hand under Renjun's shirt and started caressing his stomach. They felt cold as they travelled to the Chinese male's back.

"First, yes it's Pride Month already. Second, it starts at four, ends at eight and we're going from beginning to end. Third, the dreamies are coming. Fourth, your hubby here is going to help you choose an outfit." Jaemin ended his speech with a wink.

"As long as we're not dressing heavily, it's steaming hot. And I am NOT dressing as an angel or devil-like we did the previous years."

"But you looked adorable!" Jaemin responded, pinching his cheeks. "Anyway, we're going to wear more simple clothing. I have everything planned so don't worry."

"I'm going to wash up. Wait here," said Renjun. Jaemin hummed in response before heading upstairs and placing a bag in Renjun's room. The male shrugged, not interested in what was inside. Jaemin ran downstairs to the kitchen. He made Nutella pancakes with strawberries and waited for Renjun to arrive.

They ate in silence and after they finished, Renjun cleaned the dishes while Jaemin cleared out the table. The latter walked over to Renjun and snaked his arms around the shorter's waist, placing his chin on the Chinese's shoulder. The male smiled as he put away the last plates.

"We should start getting ready," suggested Renjun.

Jaemin nodded and led Renjun upstairs, making him sit on the bed. He picked up his bag and plonked down next to Renjun before speaking.

"I went shopping a week ago and I found these ADORABLE pride couple outfits. So, of course, I had to buy them and I bought a few other things as well. I'll take a shower first and you'll go after."

Jaemin showered and started getting ready as soon as Renjun entered the shower. He had just finished his makeup when the Chinese male walked in wearing a bathrobe. Jaemin smiled and handed the outfit to Renjun. He put it on in the bathroom and walked out to see a smiling, strawberry. The Korean male attached chains onto the pants and gave Renjun a few accessories. The male sat down on the bed and let Jaemin do his makeup.

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