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"But I don't know how to ice skate!" complained the elder, holding Jaemin's hand whilst trying to hold him back. His heels dug into the snow but it didn't help him.

"I'll teach you then!" replied the younger happily.

"What if the ice breaks and we fall?" Renjun asked, feeling unsure.

Jaemin stopped and turned to look at him. He cupped Renjun's cheeks and rubbed them gently, looking at the elder with adoring eyes.

"It won't, I promise. Everyone said the lake's been frozen solid, and many activities are going on as well. You'll be fine."

The taller male held out his hand, waiting for Renjun to hold it. The said male hesitated for a second before holding Jaemin's hand tightly and flashing a smile. Squeezing his hand, Jaemin dragged Renjun around the quiet streets to their destination.

Young kids held hands and laughed loudly, skating messily on the frozen lake. The trees were all bare, their twigs and branches swaying with the wind. They surrounded the lake and arched high above it, creating an artistic dome. Festive string lights were hung around, giving the area a magical vibe. Peaceful music played from the giant boomboxes that were set up. It's the perfect place for couples to have fun.

The rainbow couple rented a pair of skates and put them on at a nearby bench. As Jaemin was about to get up, a tiny hand grasped his. Renjun looked up at him, worry laced across his face. Jaemin held the elder's hands, stroking them tenderly.

"What's wrong baby?" asked Jaemin.

"I'm, just worried. I don't know how to skate," replied Renjun with a sad pout.

The younger chuckled. "No need to be worried. I'm here with you. Now let's go!"

Taking the shorter's hand, Jaemin walked onto the lake, taking slow steps as he saw Renjun's uneasy face. He held both hands and started slowly skating backwards, letting Renjun get used to the unfamiliar surroundings.

Jaemin guided Renjun as he started growing confident with his skating. At first, he was wobbly and unstable, clinging onto Jaemin most of the time. Whenever the male let go of Renjun, a train of Chinese swears and insults left his lips before he tried awkwardly shuffling towards him on the ice. After teasing him a bit, Jaemin held Renjun's waist and guided him on the skating rink, showing him how to skate and praising him for boosting the elder's confidence. Soon, the couples were seen dancing around on the hoar.

"This isn't that bad," stated Renjun in a surprised tone, slowly gliding along the surface with his arms just outstretched at his sides.

"So you see Renjunnie, this is why you should always try new things." Jaemin skated past him at moderate speed with a cheeky smile on his face, making the Chinese scoff at his cockiness.

"This isn't a Dhar Mann video."

"Do I not even get a thank you for teaching you how to skate?" queried Jaemin as his right eyebrow went up.

"Hmm." His finger tapped his chin as he considered the question before shaking his head. "You just kept laughing every time I slipped. Besides, I don't recall anyone helping, I'm self-taught." He caught sight of Jaemin's sarcastic scoff.

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