Chapter 9

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 Dedicated to Captivates for the awesome cover! !


“Today you will be working in the wash rooms.” Carmen said, as she led me down one of the many concrete halls in C block.

“You will be working from now until we stop for dinner.” She continued as she rounded the corner into a large room filled with wash basins. The room had an overpowering smell of soap, and the air was thick with the humidity created by all the hot water steam.

As I stood in the doorway my head began to spin from the combination of the two.

“You will be washing the clothes for the first half of the day, and then later, you will be drying. Ok?” She said turning around to look at me expectantly.


“Good,” She said smiling at me. “You will be working over there.” She said pointing to a set of basins in the far corner.

“I will see you at lunch ok.” She said smiling at me, before she moved away to talk to someone else.

Leaving me in the entrance of the crowded steamy room.

Trying to look like I had some idea of what I was doing I went over to one of the basins in the corner she’d pointed to and picked up one of a pile of cloths and tossed it in.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” A female voice behind me demanded loudly.

“Washing,” I said. “Why?”

“This is MY basin,” She said, her eyes widening dramatically as she emphasised the word ‘my’.

I looked at her now properly, wondering what kind of sad person would feel the need to claim a wash basin.

She could have been pretty, was my first thought. She had long dark hair that she’d teased so violently, it looked like it’d got stuck in a vacume cleaner. Her face was covered in a thick coating of too dark foundation and her eye makeup was clumpy and made her eyes look like black holes in her face.

But underneath it all, I could tell she was in fact quite pretty. However unfortunately judging by the angry look on her face she wasn’t going to be open to me giving her make up tips any time soon.

“Ok I’ll go use another one.” I said stepping away from her. The last thing I wanted was to get into a fight over something so trivial.

“That’s right,” she said stepping further into my personal space, “you’d better remember who’s boss round here bitch.” She said in a low growl.

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