Chapter 1

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Y'all were warned....  ;)


Chapter 1

I sat staring out the window of the large room I sat in. The waves of boredom had eventually carried me of into day dream land as I stared at the green grass and rolling hills outside the window and wondered at the beauty of where we lived.  Absentmindedly I watched tiny a lady bug making its way across the window ledge outside and debated my potential lunch options, I jumped as someone elbowed me in the side abruptly bringing me back to reality.

My head swung quickly around to glare at my assailant, big blue eyes rimmed with dramatic dark eyeliner glared back at me. I stared at my best friend still annoyed as she whisper screamed the words “WAKE THE HELL UP!”

I grumbled as she swung her head back around, hitting me in the face as she did with several strands of her long blonde hair. Brittany and I had been best friends since the third grade when we’d both been but in detention by our teacher for refusing to eat the revolting cafeteria meals. We’d been in every class together since the day we’d graduated two years ago.

I glanced around to make sure no one else in the room had noticed my mental absence; I was always a bit of a target for attention with my bright red hair, it fell just past my breast in a long wavy style. I had hated it growing up and I still hated the stereotypical pale skin that went with it, luckily however due to my dedication to sunscreen I had avoided the freckles that came with it.

To my relief they were all too busy staring fervently at the man standing at the front of the room. I rolled my eyes at them, looking to where my father, and the Alpha of our pack stood droning on about income percentages and border patrol schedules.

As I looked around me again at the worshipful expressions on the faces of my fellow pack members I couldn’t help the feeling of irritation the hit me. It annoyed me how everyone always seemed to be sucking up to my dad in one way or another, growing up it had been exhausting, constantly surrounded by the children of ambitious pack members who thought they could use my relationship with my father to ‘climb the ladder’ within the pack.

Unfortunately, for them, however my father and I had never had a very close relationship to begin with. After my mother had died when I was seven, he had lost I believed the ability to really love anyone. Admittedly my rebellious and reckless behaviour hadn’t helped.

“Finally, due to recent inter pack tension with our neighbours, the Silver Blood pack, no one is to travel across or go near their pack land borders, understood?” My father growled out the last word making it clear it wasn’t really a question.

“Good. Then if no one has any questions,” he paused for a millisecond to glance around the room half-heartedly. “Pack meeting adjourned.”

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