30. strange forces!

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Gazing up in the direction of the pale ladder, Gaia's nerves are all over the place. The lower chamber of the Razor Crest is eerily quiet for once, and although she doesn't have any specific issues with droids in general, Zero is far from welcome aboard here in her eyes.

Gaia averts her leer and conducts her dense awareness onto The Child instead, who is stationed comfortably in her lap. The floor of the Razor Crest is severely cold yet she stays put, refusing to remove him or even herself.

"Don't worry. He'll be back," Gaia soothes when The Child stares longingly toward the hatch, which is not far from them. "Here~"

Gaia presents The Child with the red-tinted scope once more that she'd pried from the cabinet of weapons. Since Zero is occupying the cockpit and acting as a personal guide to the rest of the group, the metal sphere is currently unavailable and in order to keep the kid's attention near her, she had decided to plunder the ship for any sort of temporary entertainment. There wasn't much which could've drawn The Child's attention and the scope is only doing half its job, so being overly excited is a must on Gaia's part in order to get him to play along. Her voice is lighter and eyes softened, digits grasping the scope as a wide smile breaks out on her lips.

Not only is she trying to keep The Child busy, but also that of herself and her erratic mind.

"I'll stay behind. You go," she asserted to Mando, eyeing Xi'an and Mayfeld with a cautious look. "I don't trust them, and someone has to keep an eye on the droid."

Mando nodded in agreement, fearful of the fact that Gaia was going to be alone with Zero. He was hesitant yet also assured while realising she was deviating from the group in order to watch over The Child. "I'll be back. Take care of yourself and the kid."

"He's a big softie, isn't he?" Gaia looks down at The Child, observing him clutch the scope. "He's pretending he's not, but he surely is."

The Child babbles in response as if telling her 'yes'. Gaia chuckles to herself and assists him when he tries to climb over her knee, placing him down on the floor and gently taking the red-tinted scope from his hands. He then departs from her, waddling around the room while tilting his head every now and then.

Gaia, seeing this as her scant opportunity while still holding the scope, rises slowly to her feet. Huffing, she meticulously zips her jumpsuit halfway down and examines the bandages hugging her torso like coats of fresh white snow. She settles a finger on top of the fabric afterward and presses meekly down, gruffly flinching when a dulled pain races below her skin and along her veins. "Damn." She drops her hand. The incident on Tatooine may be long gone although Toro is not; he's right here with her, sitting in the very back of her mind through day and night, hassling her.

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