IMPORTANT NOTICE re-writing story

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So as you guys have probably noticed, I'm re-writing the story. I hated thinking about the story and there is tons of stuff I want to fix and I decided it would just be easier if I completely re-wrote it. The concept will still be similar but there will be differences of course so I highly recommend you read it from the beginning so you don't miss any important information and get confused.
Please go to my account and read the book, I will have the first chapter published shortly and I'll start working on the second chapter.

Thank you to everyone who has stayed with the story the entire time I hope you like the improved version.

Also should Mabel be good or bad cause how its written so far it could go either way and I need to know what you guys would prefer so I can finish chapter 2.



Au revoir 😘💜💜💜💜💜

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