chapter two

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I'm not gonna bother with pictures that actually have to do with the story so I'm giving you weird songs instead.

*time skip brought to you by the door talking about me* (I let my tablet guess my sentence and it turned out like that.)

I woke up and looked around. Oh right I'm back in gravity falls. Forgot about that. It may seem like I'm not excited, which I'm not, I'm just happy. Gravity falls was the only place I could find adventure now. I still love mystery I just don't like Mable constantly saying "mystery is for nerds! You should like normal boy stuff like sports and kars!"(It'S a JoJo ReFeReNcE)

I got dressed and walked out of my room and down stairs to get some food. As I walked into the kitchen I    saw Mable drinking her probably fourth glass of Mable juice and Stan sitting at the table. They obviously wanted me to cook since I was good at it. I walked over to the fridge, grabbed some ingredients and started cooking. I made French toast and bacon.

Mable has three pieces of toast and three pieces of bacon, Stan had the same except more bacon. I had one piece of toast and bacon so I finished before them. "I'm going for a walk, be back later." " by dip! " "by kid." 

I walked through the forest letting the clear air fill my lungs and went through the forest aimlessly since I had already memorized the layout of most of it so I wasn't worried about getting lost. I doged branches and roots with ease as I walked through thinking about whatever came to mind.

Mable was bugging me about how I'd better not mess up her possible romances or take them from her. She still hasn't changed. She constantly belittles me about anything wrong in her life and doesn't care if I have a problem, she just wants a perfect life and I'm getting in her way. If course we're still friends, at least she thinks so. I could care less.

I sit down in a little clearing and rest my eyes for a second when I here someone walking up behind me. "Hey pinetree!" "Bill Cipher, Ford'll be mad you're not dead." ( bill will be in italics cause I just can't ) "and you're not? " "no. I'm not I'm actually kind of happy." " Oh? And why would that be? " bill asked I could hear him walk in front of me. "Well it just so happens that I have changed in the years I've been gone. Some might say I'm more like you." I say as I open my eyes and look at him. Now he looks like a human and dare I say he's hot " Wow pinetree I never thought I would here you say that. And thanks for the compliment. " " Reading my mind are you? Well. . . " I must ask you to stay out of my thoughts. "No promises pinetree."

I'm not gonna do like full chapters from a different view I just might show you what there thinking.

Bills thoughts
Man way to grow up kid. . . Now you actually look good. Hot even. Perfect hair, eyes, body, voice. I just might have fallen for you.

Back to dip

Me and Bill talk for a while and he told me that he sensed a strange aura coming from me. "Yeah i've been feeling strange as well." " well what I'm feeling is the aura of a sign of power. " "what's that?" " there are seven signs of power, one demon for each sign. I'm one of them. There's revenge, insanity or more commonly known as discord, Hate, love, innocence, Greed, and mind. I'm mind the second most powerful. Two of them, insanity, have disappeared same with innocence. "  "wow. So are the signs of power just like other demons, just with more power?" " yeah pretty much, and it seems like you and you're sister might be the missing signs. "

We talked more about that and I didn't notice it but we had started walking back to the mystery shack holding hands. He might be grabbed my hand and I just didn't notice but I liked it for some reason. Before we got to the edge of the woods we stopped since.Ford was outside watching creatures that lurked in the tree line and we didn't want him to see bill.

"Bye bill." " bye pinetree, come back tomorrow. "  he winked after that statement but I brushed it off I walked to the shack and listened as he went the other.

Aaah I'm gonna leave it there cause I can.

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