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Btw Mason and Mable are 14 turning 15 in this.

3rd person pov

Dipper was tired of his family constantly using him and treating him like a slave. He ended up joining Bill and acting as a spy. Or i guess more of a hindrance, because Bill already has eyes everywhere he doesn't really need a spy but has Dipper try and fill their plans with holes. Bill could still easily defeat them, he just would rather not waste more than enough energy on the Scum called the cipher wheel.

Dipper and Ford are currently in the bell tower, about to try and shoot Bill with the quantum destabiliser. 

 "Ah, my quantum destabiliser." Ford takes the gun out of the case and places it on the window sill " steady. . . Steady. . . And. . . " right before he shoots a weirdness wave comes by and turns the bell sentient. "*goofy laughs* I'm alive now!" The bell scared Ford and caused him to miss, hitting Bill's hat instead. " Oh no! " Ford exclaimed as bills hat reformed. 

 "Well well well. And here I thought today couldn't get any better!" Bill shoots a laser form his hand at the bell tower and it explodes . Bill knew they were in there he just wanted to give Ford a false sense of hope.

🌲 pov

Stupid old man. Even if he didn't miss it still wouldn't have killed bill.

Ford was trapped under some rubble and passed me the journal. I still had to play along so when Bill started coming towards us and he told me to hide I did. 

 "Good old six fingers! I've been waiting and eternity to have a chat face to face!" Bill is so extra, he even distorted his voice on eternity just for effect. Bill picked up Ford with magic and brought him to his friends. I stood up to get a better veiw.

 "Everyone, this Armageddon wouldn't be possible without help from our friend over here, give him a six fingered hand!" They all clap and laugh at Ford . "This brainiac is the one who built the portal the first place!" Ford flares at Bill " don't look so sour fordsie. It's not too late to join me, and with that extra finger, you'll fit right in with my freaks! " Ford looks even more pissed than before. "I'll die before I join you!" Ford points at Bill " I know your weakness, Bill! " Bill just looked unimpressed and leaned slightly forward "Oh yeah? And I know a riddle! Why did the old man do this?" He held up his hands and made claws with his fingers " this? " Ford copied Bill, and Bill turned Ford to solid gold. "Cause I needed a new back scratcher!"

 Since Ford was frozen now I decided that now would be the best time to come out. "Bill, why do you have to be so extra?" He turned around and saw me, when he did I saw his eye light up. " Pinetree, you know that's my style. I always have to be extra. " he came over to me and picked me brought me down to his friends.

At first they seemed confused that bill was being friendly with me cause, as far as they knew, me and him were enemies. "Pinetree, this is Eight ball, Kryptos, Zanthar, Teeth, Hectoragon, Amorphous shape, Pyronica and pacifier." Bill pointed at each one as he named them and they waved unsurely. "Guys this is pinetree, he's my favorite character. "

"hey, my real name is Alcor."

( a/n He doesn't like going by Dipper or mason anymore cause of his family, also Idk why but I didn't know what to have Bill call him so I did that)

" But we thought you hated demons like the pines" Teeth asked and the others nodded "Oh please. I'm hardly like the pines, their terrible people and completely stupid. All they ever do to people they think below them, which is everyone not on the cipher wheel and me, is order them around and make them do stuff for them. Their the ones I hate. " Bills henchmaniacs looked surprised but it soon passed and Bill offered to take me up to the fearamyd with them.

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