chapter six

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Bill took me back and got summoned so he had to leave. I put Mable in her room and I layed down in my bed.

OMG. Bill kissed me! 

This is weird, I've never felt this much emotion towards one person. I'm usually a pretty neutral person, having to fake sympathy because I never actually care about anyone. But this. Aaaaah, I love him so much. I can't deal with this, I don't know how to deal with this much emotion.(this bit is exactly like something that happened to me a few months ago.)

I don't feel tired, I guess demons don't really need to sleep. Well I can't deal rn and I'm bored so I might as Well sleep anyway.

~*timeskip brought to you by annoying emotions*~

I wake up to the sound of Mable shaking me and whisper yelling "diiiiiiipppyyyyy. . ." I open my eyes and she still has the spell on. I remember I also had the spell on so I decided to mess with her. "Dipper, didn't we go through the transformation?" She stands aside so I can get up.

" what are you talking about? " I'm gonna pretend nothing ever happened to confuse her. Simple but funny. "Yesterday you told me that we were actually reincarnated demons and were going to be going through the transformation. The last thing I remember is running into the forest with you then everything going black."

"Mable what are you talking about. Are you feeling alright?" She looks frustrated and I inwardly giggle "Dipper! Stop messing around!" I guess I should stop before this gets out of hand. " ok ok, yeah we went through the transformation, you passed out but I was still awake so I put a disillusion spell on you and me so Stan and Ford wouldn't notice. "

"Well can you remove them? I want to see what we look like."
" yeah just a sec. " I change my clothes real quick to dark blue skinny jeans, a grey top and vans the jeans are high waisted and stop just below my wings so I also have a tank top under the best crop too that I can take of when I take out my wings, which actually tuck in really flat surprisingly.

" okay follow me. "

~*timeskip brought to you by the missing assignments I really should be working on rn but don't want to*~

I brought Mable to the cabin so she could see herself in a big mirror and also so Stan doesn't see. I lift the spell and Mable opens her eyes. "OMG!!! Dipper I have pink eyes!! PINK! EEEEEEEEEE!!" Mable screeches " MABLE BE QUIET! Oww, jeez I have much more sensitive hearing Mable calm down. " " sorry dip. Lift the spell on you I wanna see you. She's so annoying. . . "I know give me a second." I take of the tank top and lift the spell. Mable stares at me in shock. " Dipper! You look so handsome! And you so tall! " she runs around me occasionally touching my wings or playing with my hair.

I hear a sound from outside so my ears perk up "Dipper your ears are moving." She says in awe. " Mable be quiet. "

I slowly walk to the door still hearing the sound. I think Mable heard it to based on the fact that her ears also perked.

I look outside and don't see anything. I walk out and look around when all of a sudden. . .

Bill jumps out at me. I wasn't expecting it to be him so I kicked his face and he was blown back, he only stopped cause he hit a tree.

"BILL!! OH my gosh I'm so sorry!" I ran to him and kneeled down beside him making sure he was okay. " O-oh my g-goodness pine*cough*tree. . . I didn't know you were that strong. . . *cough* it was worth it though, heheh-*cough cough* you sh-should've seen the look on your face. " I flicked him again and managed to summon some water for him to drink.

I'm not that good with my magic yet but I can do more simple things like summoning stuff and fire. Teleporting if I tried hard enough. But that's only cause I used magic before, the reason it doesn't help me fully control my powers is because the magic I used before was garen magic, not demonic.

Garen magic is, to put it simply, pre-casted spells so to speak. It's like, some other creature that has its own magic can write down spells and put magic into them so that whoever reads the spell can use the magic they put into it with our having to use their own. Normal humans don't have magic so they have to use garen magic. But as soon as the magic is stored in the spell it sort of, loses its magical property and turns into garen magic. That's why it doesn't help me get batter at demonic magic.

Anyway back to the bill situation. He's better now, Mable came over and I explained to her why we were friends now but I leave out the part where we were dating cause I wanted to her to figure out herself.

She wanted to go back to the hack so I cast the spell on her again and she ran back.

Me and Bill walked around the forest. Occasionally killing some kid for hurting one of the forest animals. We stopped by a little lake and sat down together.

"Hey pinetree."
" Yeah? " Bill seemed pretty anxious
"Well uh. . . I was kind of wanting to start another weirdmegaddon. . .and I wanted to ask if you wanna rule with me. . ."
" . . . "
" Bill. . . Are you serious. . . "
"Well it was just if you wanted to. . . Sorry i-"

I jumped on top of him and kisses him. "Why were you so nervous to ask though?" I was still I too of him and our faces were still vEry close " well I was still a little worried that you wouldn't want to and that you were still . . .well. . . Like you were when you were twelve "(is it just me or is it kind of weird to think about that. Like Bill's one of the most powerful demons and dip fought him when he was twelve but now their dating. . . Nvm I can't explain it. . .)

" Bill. You idiot. I just killed five people with you! I definitely would not do that five years ago. " he looked embarrassed and his his face. "I know but still. . ."
" Bill your such an idiot. . . "

Ok kissed him again and he kissed back. It was like that for a little bit when he locked my bottom lip. I opened and let him exlpore.

We were still making out when I headed a sound from the woods, so did bill. . . We split and looked around. I know that wasn't the sound of a knome or a pixie. It was something big.

This will be fun~

Oh my gosh I'm putting up another chapter!?
Wow I must be feeling productive. . . Or i just want to avoid doing school . . .

Anyway sorry for Mables fluctuating personalities, I just forgot how she acted for a little bit but now she's fairly back to normal. This is unedited so feel free to correct me.

Au revoir 😘

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