Chapter four

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Wow I'm back. Guess what, I still don't know what I'm gonna do with this chapter so I'll figure it out as I go. Expect it to be bad and rushed like usual.

"Hey pinetree, I see you've been pretty confused as of late." I roll my eyes as he goes into human form and grins. " I just so happen to know how to help you. " "what you gonna propose a deal or something?"

I look around and notice that we're in my dreamscape. It's a forest, no surprise there, and it seems to be split in half atmosphere wise. On one half it looks bright with tall birch trees with some pines mixed in as well.

(That's the girl scout camp I go to, the forest looks like that but minus the lodge and the docks)

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(That's the girl scout camp I go to, the forest looks like that but minus the lodge and the docks)

While the other side was dark with a more creepy feel to it.

I leaned against one of the birch trees because that's where was closest

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I leaned against one of the birch trees because that's where was closest. "Of course not pinetree, unless you want to?" He looked at me with a grin and I rolled my eyes " Just get to the point. "

Bill laughed and walked closer to me "Well pinetree, I wanted to help you with your confusion and what better way to do that then to answer your questions about your true identity." I sat down and he sat in front of me, still grinning .

"Alright then, if you're so keen on answering my questions then tell me this, bill, what am I." He seemed to be staring into my soul as he thought of how to answer. " well right now you're still technically human, but soon you'll be undergoing the process of becoming a demon. Same for your sister. " he finally says .

Wait. . . He said I'm gonna be a demon. . . Oh SnAp. I started to get super excited but managed to keep a straight face (that can't be said for your sexuality😏). "So what you said was true? That I'm a sign of power?" " Yup! Every bit. "

Well then. . . I don't know how to take that. I mean, being a demon is Awsome but, that means I've been lied to by everyone. My life is quite literally a lie. I'm used to getting lied to and insulted by everyone, but this? This is something completely different.

I only noticed that I spaced out when Bill waved his hand in my face. "Pinetree? You okay?" I look up and see he has a worried expresion. " yeah I'm fine bill, it's just. . . A lot to think about. " I mutter the last part but he still heard " it's okay sapling, the transformation will begin tomarrow probably. You should warn your sister cause a little before it happens you'll get a small but sharp pain in your nape, and when you do is recommend dropping everything your doing and get as far into the forest as possible because when it starts you'll give of waves of energy that'll probably destroy everything within a ten foot radius. Also brace yourself when it does because it gonna hurt. . . A lot. " he finished and I was shocked.

It was coming that soon? Wow, I thought it would've been at least a week. Well I guess I better get prepared. " your waking up sapling, I'll see you later. " right after he said that I opened my eyes and I was in bed. "Guess I'll get ready."

Omg I forgot which story I was writing too many times. When I was writing Bill's goodbye it was actually going to be "Well I guess I should let you go, it's getting dark and I don't think your family would like it if you were late." But then I remembered that this is a dream and he needs to wake up. Same for the part about getting lied to by everyone . I couldn't remember if Mable was mean or nice in this story which I think she was.
Au revoir😘
678 words

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