part one.

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I went to bed like any normal night. I said goodnight to my dad and crawled into bed with my dog, Jerry. My dad woke me up in the middle of the night with a panicked voice saying we have to run.

I grabbed my dog and my necklace that my mom gave me before she died, and I followed my dad. As we left the house I pulled on my jacket considering it was mid winter and it had just snowed the other day. I put the necklace on so I wouldn't lose it and carried Jerry because I forgot his leash.

As we ran into the woods, I still had no clue what was happening. My dad led me into the frozen, snowy creek and said to stay there, as he was running off something crashed in the distance. I was super scared and holding on to Jerry for dear life so he wouldn't try to go after my dad. My dad was probably trying to help people get away from the thing that crashed, he liked helping people a lot.

I heard another crash but it was a lot closer to Jerry and I than the last one. I decided we should run the other way because I didn't want us to get hit with whatever keeps crashing around us. As I was running I tripped over a stick and face planted and passed out.

I woke up in what looked like a hospital room. 'Where's my dad and Jerry?' Was my first thought. I went to get up out of my room and ask a nurse but my stomach hurt so bad I could barely move. I pressed the call button and a nurse walked into my room and asked what's wrong, I asked where I was. "Grey Sloan memorial"

The name sounded so familiar. I realized, this is the hospital that my mom was at when she had cancer. She left the room and I started wondering how I got here. I kept thinking and thinking, last thing I remember is things crashing around me and I was running with Jerry.

A small group of doctors walked into my room. I think they must of noticed how scared I was, one of the doctors gave me a soft smile which calmed me down a little bit. "Hi Sarah, I'm doctor Alex Karev, you can call me Alex."

I have so many questions. How did I get here? Why am I here? Why does my stomach hurt so bad? Where is my dad? Where is jerry? I reached up to my neck, my necklace, It's gone.

"WHERE IS MY NECKLACE" I yelled, warm tears started to run down my cheeks. Alex handed it to me "we had to take it off so we could give you a mri" he said with a soft voice. I grabbed it out of his hands, still crying.

"How did I get here?" They said that someone found me in the woods while on a hike, based off of my malnourishment they said I must of been there for a few days. A few days?

"Where is my dad" I asked. "He's in surgery right now, they found him a few miles away from you and he had some internal bleeding, he should be out in around 3 hours". "Why does my stomach hurt so bad?" "You had some bleeding on your spleen and we had to remove part of it." "Any other questions before I leave?", "What was crashing around me in the woods?" All of the doctors in the room looked confused. Alex said to one of the doctors "page psych" he said quietly but I could still hear him. "Why would I need psych?" I asked. "We just want to make sure your mentally okay after what happened."

"What happened that would make me not mentally okay" I sassed back, starting to get annoyed that he thought I was going mentally insane. "We will explain once psych gets here." I turned on the tv and put on teen nick after all the doctors left the room, they said they'll be back in a hour.

Almost 2 hours passed and the doctors came back into the room but with another doctor I didn't see the first time. Probably psych. "Hi I'm Dr.Raj Sen, you can call me Dr.S if you want." Dr.Alex started to explain what happened. "There was a plane crash, the engines weren't working right and the plane ended up crashing and the engines exploded a few minutes after the plane hit the ground." "Your dad said he heard the plane crash and thought it was a bomb so he took you to safety and ran to try and help others get away from it."

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