part three.

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Meredith woke Zola and I up at around 7 am. "Did you guys sleep well?" My neck hurts, probably from the air mattress but I'm not gonna tell her. "Yea, I feel very.....well rested?" I forgot how to form sentences for a minute. Meredith said that we'll go shopping after they get off work for clothes and stuff. "Have you guys signed me up for school yet?" "We've decided to homeschool you instead for a while and you can just come to the hospital with us and do your work in Webber's office or something.... if that's okay with you?" "Yes!!!" Zola looked at both her parents "Can Bailey and I be homeschooled too? We're both ahead of our class and then we can do work that we don't already know how to do!" Derek and Meredith looked at each other, "we'll see sweetie."
We got to the hospital and Derek handed me a stack of books and notebooks. "This is most of the stuff that you'll need for homeschooling that the state requires you to do, just do as much as you can everyday this week and once you finish with the with all the books then I'll get some more worksheets and stuff." He started to walk up the stairs towards a office with big windows that were overlooking the main floor of the hospital. "This is the Chief, Richard Webber's office, and there is chief Webber." A bald man was sitting as his desk, he looked very concentrated on paper work or something.
Derek cleared his throat causing Dr.Webber to look up from his paperwork "Dr.Webber, this is Merediths and I foster daughter, Sarah." The older man looked over at me and gave me a smile. "Is it okay if Sarah does her schoolwork in here? If not we can find a conference room or the daycare or-" Richard cut him off "yea! That's fine!" he stood up and walked around to the front of his desk. "Sarah, what grade are you in?" He stumbled on his words, 'chief of surgery and can barely talk to a 12 year old' I was trying my hardest to stop but I was laughing really hard at the thought. "Uh Sarah? Everything okay?" Derek asked looking over at me laughing a little. "Yea" I said still giggling a little. "Uh I'm in..." I completely forgot what grade I was in for a minute. "7th! I'm in 7th grade." I couldn't help but laugh at myself. "Sorry" I said, looking to the side, still laughing.
As Derek and Meredith left the room Richard walked back around his desk and sat down. "You can sit and do your wherever you'd like." I sat at the table in the middle of the room and started on my work. Around 30 minutes passed and Richard said he had to go do a surgery. I had his whole office to myself. I was trying my hardest to focus on just sitting there and doing my work but his big office chair was calling my name. I got up and looked around, making sure no one could see me. I walked behind his desk to sit in his chair but then I noticed, HE HAS A MINI FRIDGE HIDING UNDER HIS DESK! I obviously had to see what was in there. He only has potato chips in there. I think he's a psychopath, potato chips in the fridge?
         I sat in his chair and spun around. As I was spinning one of the wheels fell off. Oh no. I put the wheel back under the chair to make it look like it's not broken so when Richard sits down on it he thinks that he broke it. 'I'm a genius' I thought to myself. I walked back to the table and did more schoolwork.
I was on my last assignment in the stack, I thought Derek said this was for the whole week? Just as I finished Alex walked in. "Hey Sarah what are you doing here?" I think he was looking for the chief. "I'm being homeschooled and Derek and Richard said I could do my work in here." "Oohhh okay, do you know where Webber is by chance?" He said while looking around the room. "He left saying he had to do a surgery but I don't know which O.R he's in." He thanked me and left. Now that I'm finished with my work I don't know what to do. Maybe I can look for Derek and ask him. I left the office and walked to the nurses station and asked where Dr.Shepherd is, he's in a surgery. Maybe Meredith can tell me what to do. "She's with her interns in the clinic, do you want me to show you where to find her?" "Yes please" the nurse walked around the desk and said to follow her. We walked across the ambulance bay and into another part of the hospital.
"Hey what are you doing?" Meredith walked up to me with a smile. "I finished all of my schoolwork and Derek is in a surgery so I don't know what to do." "Zola and Bailey are gonna be here in 30 minutes so when they get here you can go to the daycare with them but until then you can stick around with me." She handed me a clipboard with paper work on it, "go give this to the lady sitting on bed number 4 please." I walked over there and handed the lady the clipboard and walked back to the nurses station. "Once she finishes filling out the paperwork then we can close the clinic."
       It didn't take the lady a long time to fill out the paperwork and leave. To close the clinic we just had to turn off the lights and lock the doors. Once we finished with everything Meredith, her Interns, and I went back into the main part of the hospital. When we walked into the lobby Zola and Bailey were sitting in the waiting room seats, waiting for Meredith to come and take them to the daycare upstairs. "Sarah!!!!" Zola ran up to me and gave me a hug. "You can go to daycare with Zola and Bailey or you can hang out at a nurses station until 6:30, it's up to you." "I'll go to daycare with Zola and Bailey." I didn't have anything better to do so why not. "Okay, we have to go up a floor and I'll sign you guys in" Meredith said walking over to the elevator.
Up at the daycare it was a bunch of babies and toddlers and then in the corner was a small group of older kids that looked bored. There was a kid that looked around 13, and a kid that looked around 7. Zola, Bailey, and I walked over there and Zola introduced them to me. "This is Tuck, I think he's your age." I looked over at him, he looks pretty tall, "Hi I'm William but everyone calls me tuck" he said while reaching out his hand for me to shake it. "I'm Sarah" I said while shaking his hand. Zola looked over at me "And this is Sofia! She's my BFF!" I looked at Sofia With a smile, "I'm Sarah"
Tuck was playing video games, Zola and Sofia were playing with dolls, and I was sitting at a tiny table coloring a picture of a dog in a little kids coloring book. I ended up falling asleep and I woke up to Zola shaking my arm saying that Meredith and Derek were here to pick us up. "Did you have a nice nap Sarah?" Derek said giggling a little bit. I'm SO ready to leave. "Yea" I said while looking to the side. "Okay let's go now" Meredith said once she finished signing the sign in/out sheet. "We're gonna go get you some clothes and maybe some stuff for your new room." I got worried that I was gonna spend all their money for a minute, then I realized that they are both very successful surgeons and are practically rich.
As we were walking into the mall, Derek was talking about the aneurysm he clipped today. "It was the biggest one I've seen in at least 3 years." Derek took Bailey to a toy store, and Zola wanted to stay and shop with me and Meredith. We walked into Hollister and Meredith said that I could get whatever I wanted. I ended up getting like 14 outfits. "Is that all you want?" Meredith said as we were walking up to the front. ALL I WANT? I HAVE LIKE 28 PEICES OF CLOTHING IN MY ARMS! "Yea!!" Don't get me wrong, I love shopping but I'm tired and really want to go home.
    At the shoe store, Meredith said I can get two pairs of shoes. I got grey slip on vans, and some plain black Nike tennis shoes. "Wait, we need to go get you a bed set too." As we went into Macy's, Zola grabbed this really cute dress with butterflies on it. "Mom can I get it?!?! Pleaseeeeeeeee" Meredith looked hesitant at first then she said "go ahead!" We walked towards the back to where the bed sets were. I chose out a plain light green one. "let's go  checkout now"
We met up with Derek and Bailey outside of the mall. "You guys ready to go?" Derek said, I nodded yes. I am so happy to go home. As were walking to the car I started feeling light headed. I rubbed my temples and grunted a bit. "Sarah are you okay?" Derek asked. "Yea, I just have a headache." A couple seconds later The whole world went dark.

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