Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Yeonha manages to make it to her feet.

Her ears are still ringing, she's swaying on the spot and she's also partly hunched over, clutching her broken ribs that hurt every time she breathes in and then out.

She gasps through the pain till she has breathed in enough air and then she takes her first step forward, her vision clouds over momentarily and the blood rushes through her body and then she is still.

She blinks, she breathes and then she slowly puts one foot forward again.

Just a little further Yeonha, you can do this.

She staggers like a drunk, and it takes her a lot longer than it should have, to make it over to the rooftop of the door. Yeonha had just fallen from the sky, injured her arm and her finger and her ribs and was probably concussed too so she decided not to be too hard on herself for it.

After much effort she makes it to the door and she rests herself against it for a moment, pressing her throbbing forehead against the cool metal as she pants heavily trying to catch her breath.

Her hands; broken, blood stained, dust stained, scratched and now rust stained, splay out against the door and she inhales and pushes.

Here we go.

The door doesn't even so much as creak.

Her heavy lidded eyes are suddenly alert.

No. No. No

She scans the door for a handle, none.

A keypad then? Nothing.

Maybe it just needs a little more force?

With her good shoulder she pushes herself into the door with all the strength she can muster, dust and peeling rust flake off into the air around her and she coughs.

No. No. No.

She slumps to the ground defeated. Why did it have to be one of those doors that only opened from the inside?

With her unbroken fingers she brayed on the metal door with all of her frustration. Her knuckles start to bleed.

Why. Why. Why.

What was she supposed to do now? Wait? Hope that someone in the building would make it to the roof and find her- what if the complex had already been evacuated and there was no one? What if the only things left in the building were monsters?

If that was the case then she couldn't even scream out for someone to help her.

Yeonha was trapped.

And her injuries were getting worse.

Her nose starts to bleed again and as it drips down to her lips and collects in her mouth she spits out a spray of it on the door. Pain and stress had introduced a fever into her system, and she could feel herself burning up, feel the sweat beading at her temples and collecting at the back of her head under her curls.

"I can keep you safe."

Whose voice was that?

Her head lolled, and her eyelids flickered as her limbs became heavier, her vision blurring and she had no energy left and no choice but to let the inky darkness overwhelm her.


Her father was in his study, but Yeonha knew that even though the door was always locked shut whilst he was in there, the window was always open.

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