Chapter 10

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A/N: Just a quick head up, you probably expect it since it is sweet home, but this chapter gets pretty graphic and gory in some places so if you're squeamish beware.

She was shaking, her heart pounding violently as her vison started to distort.

"Why did it have to be you, you brat." The woman hisses out, her words sharp and stabbing at Yeonha's heart.

"Why did I have to see your face again here of all places. Why can't I get rid of you." The woman's eyes had turned black and sharp claws were pushing out of her nailbeds. Any words she tried to say next were muffled by a gargle as streams of bright red blood spewed from her mouth into her hands.

Hyun felt nauseous when he realised not only was she spitting out blood but also teeth. Human teeth. And in their place her mouth was full of rows and rows of shark like razor teeth. Hyun frowns, pulling a motionless Yeonha behind him.

Numbly, Yeonha stood there, frozen in place. "If it's too much, if you can't face her then let me do it for you." Her monster says. 

A crash and cloud of powdery concrete shocks Yeonha back to the room. Hyun lay on the ground in a crumpled heap barely conscious after hitting his head against the concrete wall, while trying to protect Yeonha from her mother as the woman tried to attack, the woman had tore off a chunk of his forearm with her teeth too.


Yeonha tries to hurry over to him, but her mother having given into her monster, is both stronger and faster. She grabs Yeonha by the hair and yanks it hard. "Those eyes still make me sick." Her mother growls.

Yeonha screams as a sharp claw is dug into her socket and a pain so much more excruciating than anything she'd ever felt pierces through her left eye. The pain triggers her monster and it slips out, grabbing her mothers hand and crushing it in retaliation. Her monstrous mother snarls, razored teeth gnashing at her, and her other hand is still pulling at Yeonha's hair. Half blinded Yeonha struggles, fumbling as she grabs her mothers jaw with a hand and pushes it shut.

"All those years she caused you so much pain and hurt you."
Her monster whispers. "Now it's your turn to hurt her."

Yeonha didn't want to hurt her, she didn't want to kill her mother, but she didn't want her to hurt anyone else.

She had to do it.

She could feel the bones crunching and breaking under the fierce pressure of her own fingers. She breaths out through a distressed pant, enveloping her mother in cold air and the woman screams as she pushes her head all the way back until she hears a sickening snap. 

Yeonha doesn't let go as the body falls limp. Her fingers dig into her mothers skin, freezing through her veins turning the body into a frozen corpse. Then she lets go.

Her mother was dead.

She had killed her. 

"You did well." Her monster praises. "She can't hurt you anymore."

Yeonha blinks, her left eye was still blurry. Her hands were covered in the woman's blood. She looks at the lifeless body, and waits for that feeling of relief or satisfaction.

But there is none.

"Yeonha.." Hyun calls her, after regaining his full consciousness and getting back up on his feet.

She still hadn't shifted back to human. 

"Yeonha.." He says her name again unsure if she could hear him.

This time she turns to him, her eyes feral and unsettling, her left one, was weeping blood and she was covered in bruises and scratches. Her hands were covered in a mixture of blood and crystalised ice. Wordlessly he picks up her hands like she had done with him that one time and he wipes them with the sleeve of his hoodie.

Yeonha inhales and blinks, her eyes open and she's herself again. 

"Are you hurt?" She asks Hyun.

He shakes his head, wondering how she was asking him that right now.

"Your eye..." The piercing hole in it had healed but it was still bloodshot. "Does it hurt?"

Yeonha shook her head. She didn't really feel anything but numb.

Hyun looks at the corpse of Yeonha's mother, then back at Yeonha. It must have been so hard for her, she shouldn't have had to do what she did. He felt guilty that because of him she'd had to do it.

"Yeonha.." He doesn't know what to say to her.

She brushes it off, acting as if what had just happened hadn't.

"Come on we've still got a list of stuff to get right." She says, and heads down the hallway. He follows after her.

Yeonha walks into an apartment that had a partly open door. For a short moment she hesitates.

This apartment was her mothers.

How had she not come across her until now? She'd been up and down the stairs a few times, and surely the woman would have tried to make her way down to the first floor too after hearing the announcement-actually, it made sense that she didn't. Yeonha's mother was a rather selfish person, she probably thought she'd be better off waiting it out on her own than having to share any supplies or anything with anyone else.

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