Chapter 7

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Jisu thought it was funny to tell Jae Heon about Yeonha's schoolgirl crush on Eunhyuk.

Yeonha was both mortified and furious. 

"Say it a little louder why don't you." She hissed out. "Let everyone else know while your at it."

"Come on, there's nothing to be ashamed of Yeonha every kid has a crush, unless you still like him and that's why you're getting so worked up." Jisu grins.

Yeonha glared, threatening Jisu with her ice axe.  Jisu waves her bat, raising an eye brow and giving Yeonha a look that says I dare you.

Jae Heon puts himself between the two to placate them.

"Perhaps, we should calm ourselves to avoid causing a scene that will get everyone's attention."

 He was right. The woman with her dog was already glancing in their direction, and if the two girls did start fighting then it would only make the situation worse for Yeonha, since then everyone really would find out about her embarrassing past.

Funny though that this was her biggest concern at the moment when they in some sort of monster apocalypse and she was fighting turning into one herself.

She nods and fold her arm over her chest, after hooking the ice axe back to her belt. It didn't matter that Jae Heon knew anyways, he wasn't the type of person to go around gossiping.

"Not another word to anyone, or I really will hit you next time."

"Fine." Jisu rolls her eyes. "Whatever you're no fun."

Yeonha walks away.

She follows the sound of commotion to the doors in front of the stairwell, where the gangster, Hyun and Hyuk have gathered.

They were going up?

"Hey wait!" She frowns and shouts to Hyun before he follows the gangster through the door.

"Where are you going?"

"Ah.." He looks down at his feet.


"You're going to get them?"

He nods.

"I'll come too." She felt bad for leaving them up there in the first place, so decided it was the least she could do. He nods again and slips through the door.

She's about to follow when Hyuk stops her, outstretching his arm in front of her.

Yeonha blinks at him quizzically.

He hands her a cellphone and earbuds. 

"Try not to run into any monsters." 

She hops over the furniture blocking the stairwell entrance and catches up to Hyun. He hadn't gone far, waiting on the third step for her, but the gangster hadn't stopped for either of them, with their weapons ready they quickly move to catch up to him.

As a team the trio work quite well together when they encounter monsters that couldn't be avoided.

For the most part.

Concrete crumbles around her, she stumbles and she is trapped; rubble captures her leg, pinning her in place.

"Leave, just go." She tells the two, not wanting to risk their safety trying to help her when getting the people from 1408 was more of a priority. "I'll catch up." She lies with a smile. There is a small part of her that hopes they won't leave her, that she won't be abandoned, forced to fend off monsters on her own.
"Get to Mr Han and the kids." She tells Hyun.

His hands squeeze his spear, until she repeats herself again and he uncertainly follows the gangster.

It feels like a punch in the gut, and she has all but forgotten her leg. They really had left her.

A shadow shifts at the end of the corridor snarling and hissing.

A monster. It was on all fours, and looked like some kind of mutated jaguar. It was also heading s straight for her.

She tried to free her leg from the rubble, using her ice axe, hacking at it and then digging under it to try and shift the concrete, twisting and pulling her leg but she was only worsening her injuries in the process.

Slowly the monster stalked towards her and she locks eyes with it. 

"Let it come. We can kill it."

When it is almost too close she throws her ice axe and it lodges into the creatures underbelly as it jumps. With an angered howl the monster leaps at her, knocking her upper body to the ground and pinning the rest of her. It dug it's claws deep into her shoulders and she screamed.

She could feel it's hot breath against her face, feel the saliva dripping down on her skin as it snapped razor teeth at her. Yeonha had to crane her neck and twist at one angle and then another to avoid being bit. She can feel the claws digging deeper each time she moved.

She fumbles with her fingers, trying to grab another weapon. 

"You don't need a weapon you are a weapon. Let me take care of it."

Cold starts to seep into her skin. Before she can do anything to stop the monster it howls and then it's movements still. It's weight crushes her as it slumps on top of her.

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