Chapter 6

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 Eunhyuk blinks and stares at her, at the radio clipped to her belt, at the bloodied ice axe in her hand. Then he looks back at her face, past all the dirt and blood.

The girl from the radio.

He knew her.

They had gone to the same school and when they were 16, she had been class president. She had scored number one in rankings every time, apart from the few occasions he had. He'd hated her, because she'd always act like school was a bore, well not school necessarily but the people at school. He'd hated her when he had to grab a book from the library to study and she would have picked it up first on more than one occasion, as if she was intentionally trying to mess with him. He hated that he would have to study up until the early hours and she wouldn't even have to try, that she would spend study sessions and homeroom staring out the window instead of working. He hated how inconsistent she was; one moment she was joining the girls football team, then it was the swim team and then cross country, gymnastics, band and art club. Couldn't she have just found one thing and stuck to it? Did she have to be good at everything?

He had hated her.

And now he hated that he had confided in the girl on the radio, that he had started to care about the girl on the radio and he hated that the girl on the radio turned out to be her.

How had he not recognized her voice?

Eun Yoo looked between her brother and the girl with narrowed eyes.

"Do you two know each other?"

"No." She said.

"Yes." He said.

Eun Yoo pulled a face.

"We talked on the radio." Yeonha explained quickly, not wanting anyone to find out she'd known Hyuk before.

"That's it." She says firmly, with a look at Eunhyuk. Eun Yoo turns to him to confirm "So you just know her voice from the radio?" He nods once. "Yes."

Eun Yoo's suspicious scowl doesn't let go. "Why do you look familiar then?"

Yeonha shrugs, scratching her head. "I must just have a common face."

To prevent the girl from further questioning, Yeonha directs everyone's attention to Hyun.

With herself, Jae Heon and Jisu pleading his case, they are able to prevent the tenants from trying to kill him and Eun Hyuk and Jae Heon move his unconscious body from the bottom of the stairs.

Yeonha sighs as she stares down at him. "You better wake up as yourself."

When Eun Hyuk re-enters with his sister, Yeonha rises.

"I'm going to clean myself up." She says, since she is still covered in blood. She doesn't lift her head to look at him and he doesn't look at her as she walks past him to leave.

Jisu follows after her.

Yeonha's disappointment was extremely noticeable and she was curious why. The guy was handsome, in a brooding bookish nerd kind of way-not exactly her type but she could still say he was attractive. He wasn't old either, he looked young enough to be around their age. Maybe he wasn't Yeonha's type either.

"What's wrong? Weren't you excited to finally meet your radio friend. You didn't even look at him or say hi."

"Until I found out who it was."

Jisu plants her hands on her hips and gives Yeonha an expression that says I told you so.

"See this is why you need to find out more about a person before you get your hopes up."

"I do know him. That's the problem."

Jisu is surprised.

"You know him? You didn't realise you knew him when you were talking to him?"

In her defense Yeonha purses her lips and shrugs. "His voice sounded different over the radio."

"So how do you know him, is he and ex? A school bully? Family?"

Yeonha shakes her head. "Neither. We were classmates."

Quieter she mumbles out. "I asked him out once and he rejected me." 

Her face went red with embarrassment. Unhelpfully Jisu snorts and as Yeonha looks at her she tries to conceal her laughter with hands over her mouth.

So he was Yeonha's type, but she wasn't his.

"You can't tell anyone okay, not even Hyun or Jae Heon. Please. Now lets not speak of this again because I do not want to relive that trauma."

Yeonha finishes scrubbing her hands covered in Hyun's blood and tries to smoothen her curls, combing through them with her fingers.

Jisu nodded, agreeing to Yeonha's terms. She couldn't keep the amused grin off her face though.
Not even when Hyuk approaches them after they leave the bathroom.

"When you're ready, head to the daycare. Were having a meeting." He said looking at the two no longer than necessary before turning away.

She didn't need to ask to know what the meeting would be about, several of the other tenants had been more than vocal. 

The meeting would be about Hyun, and the fact that he was turning into a monster.

As they entered the daycare, Seok- Hyeon the owner of the convenience store in the building, was trying to persuade the members that Hyun should be killed. 

"He's a monster, we should kill him before he kills us." He waved around the boxcutter in his hand and Yeonha was itching so badly to rip it out of his grasp. She curled her fingers into her palms.

Eunhyuk, enters the daycare hands full with sticky notes, a box and several pencils. He drops them onto a table and addresses everyone.

"Everyone please grab a piece of paper. If you think we should expel Hyunsoo please draw a circle, and if you don't think we should then put an x."

The monster in her head could feel her agitation, and was trying to encourage it into anger.
It made her feel better though, that Jisu too didn't seem happy about the vote either, muttering under her breath how stupid and immoral it was.

"To protect everyone's privacy it must be a secret ballot." Eunhyuk continues, stonefaced and monotonous in tone. Yeonha watched and listened to him with a furrowed brow, trying to figure him out, wondering what he was thinking.

"Expelling him would be like taking part in murder."

The voting ends in a draw. 

The deciding vote had been invalid, so they were stuck with 8 for and 8 against.

Kim Seok-Hyeon was furious.

Yeonha couldn't help but think that if this was his reaction to one person being infected, how would he have reacted if he found out there was another. Her.

"They'll find out about soon enough. Just wait for you're next nosebleed."

Blood starts gushing to the floor. 

Everyone stares wide eyed at Kim Seok-Hyeon. His nose was pouring like a fountain. The man was infected.

It really was some sort of twisted karma, especially when moments ago he was insisting for anyone infected to be killed right away.

As the bloody convenience store owner tries to make a run for it, he is stopped by Hyun, who finally enters the day care.

Yeonha feels a chill as he passes and picks up a voting slip from the floor. A circle. 

Why was he voting himself out? Was he really going to voluntarily be locked up?

He turns to Seok-Hyeon with dark eyes.

"If I put this in he'll be thrown out too right?"

"Look how afraid they are of him, they'll be afraid of you too once they find out about you."

Hyun looks her way, and she knows that he knows.

Was he going to tell the others? Her heart starts to beat rapidly in her chest. She looks at him with pleading eyes.

"Please don't say anything."

He looks away and her stiff posture relaxes as he walks out of the daycare centre.

Thank you Hyun.

a/n: We hit 1k Views!! Thanks guys for all the love!
 Bit of a short chapter this one, but next chapter will be a lot longer with more interactions between Yeonha, Hyuk and the others. I am trying to write more in between scenes from what is in the show to give you guys a bit of a different story and keep you guessing.

What did you think of the reveal about how Yeonha and Hyuk know eachother? Did you expect it? Did you like the outcome?

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