Chapter 9

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Eunhyuk tells Hyun he needs him to go back upstairs. They were running on limited electricity, so any form of power or electronics would be useful. 

Hyun nods, reaching for his spear. 

"Wait up, i'll go get my stuff."

Before she can walk away, she's pulled to a stop by Eunhyuk.

"You're not going."

Yeonha isn't one for being told what she can and can't do. "You made the rules yourself, always travel in at least two. Always stay with your buddies, Hyun doesn't have a buddy so I'm volunteering."

Eunhyuk presses him lips together in a firm line, frustration flickering across a usually stonefaced glare.

"You were running a high temperature, if you're sick-"

"You can take my temperature right now, go ahead, I bet it won't be high, feel my forehead if you must, i'm not burning up at all."

"It's okay i'll go alone." Hyun says. He didn't know if people turning into monsters could still get sick, but still on the off chance that she was he agreed that she shouldn't go.

Since he had said, she sighs admitting her defeat.

"Stay safe." She calls out to him before he heads upstairs.

"You've been spending a lot of time with him." Eunhyuk comments as she passes him to head back to Jisu and Jae Heon.

She pauses turning to face him.

"I'm not afraid of him."

He gives her a peculiar look. "You should be." 

Yeonha purses her lips. "I will if he gives me reason to be, but to me Hyun is about as scary as you are."

She grins. "And you're not that scary. Jisu on the other hand.."

Since she had basically been benched from doing any hard work, and there wasn't really much of anything other than hard work to do, Yeonha had been left to her own devices. 

Hyuk had roped Jisu and Jae Heon, and a bunch of others into doing this and that, whilst she had been told not to do anything but rest since she was apparently sick. Her trick with the lighter and thermometer had worked a little too well.

"Aren't you getting tired of hiding the truth from them? From yourself?"

Honestly she was.

She was so scared of becoming a monster and hurting people that she had tried to block out the fact that she was turning, but with all this empty time to do nothing other than think, she had slowly been coming to terms with it.

Yeonha wasn't sure if it were her own conscience or the monster trying to convince her, but she remembered that there are times when Hyun is still himself but also not. Something about his humanness and inhumanness doesn't mesh in quite the right way, his eyes darken and his human self takes a step back for the part that was more monster.

And it's not permanent, it's only temporary, he soon becomes completely himself again and even when he is not completely himself he doesn't hurt anyone. If it was possible for him then surely it shouldn't be so hard for her?

Yeonha was prone to competitiveness. 

If Hyunsoo was able to tap into his monsters potential and regain his normal self after then why couldn't she? She stands in front of the mirror and looks at herself. Where to start. She looks at her jade pendant through the mirror, and an idea strikes her.

"Come out." She says and blinks. She stares at her reflection but nothing changes. For someone who usually had an awful lot to say, her monster was awfully quiet this time around, and she realised it was because the monster wanted Yeonha to listen to her- not the other way around. She huffed.

"Let's try this again shall we." She whispered to herself. Yeonha picked up the blade tucked in her pocket. She glances at the mirror, and thinks to her monster. "Come out, or i'll make you come out."

Her monster is still silent and she taunts it. She aims the blade towards her wrist.

"You need me more than I need you, if I die so do you."

"You won't do it."

"Why wouldn't I?" Before the blade can pierce her skin, a frosted glove wraps around her.

She glances at her reflection in the mirror, white eyelashes, pale blue lips and glittery frost on her cheeks. Dark eyes stare back at her.

There you are.

She breaths out cold vapour onto the mirror and it frosts over. If she wasn't so terrified she'd be mildly impressed.

The monster laughs and smiles. "Do you want to see what else we can do?"

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