Chapter 12

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"I tried so hard to be good, we both did." Yeonha hisses. The frost covering her fingers grows into sharp icy claws.

"What's the point if at the end of the day after everything we put ourselves through, after everything we do for you it doesn't matter. No matter how we try we're nothing but monsters to you anyway."

"Yeonha." Hyuk says.

It's all he says and that makes her angry. He really wasn't going to try explain himself?

"Hey Hyuk! Why is it so cold-" Byeong Il trails off at the sight of Yeonha.

Black eyes and hands covered in icy spikes. He stutters, stumbling back.

"She's a M-monster?" His shout brings an unwanted audience. They all start to gasp and murmur.

Hyun tugs on Yeonha's arm. "Yeonha stop." He says quietly.

She snaps out of it. Yeonha takes a deep breath, and she shakes off the shards of ice which fall to the floor and melt into a puddle. 

What was she doing?

Because of her stupid self being moody now the other tenants knew she was turning. She lets out a defeated sigh and pushes her hair back from her face.

"I knew it."

"I knew there was something odd about her."

"How long was she hiding it from us for?"

"Did you see how scary she looked?"

"She looked like she was going to kill Hyuk."

The tenants already start to whisper and she can hear every word.

"Whatever, you want Hyun to go to the basement right? I'll go too." She plays off the incident casually, unbothered on the outside but still frustrated and angry on the inside. Before Hyuk can say anything to her she drags Hyun away, eager to get away from the prying and accusing eyes and unwanted whispers.

The basement was pitch black. The only source of light the two had was the torch attached to Hyun's spear. Yeonha, in a quick bid to get away from the others had forgotten to pick up any weapons or equipment. In the dark she grimaced. As they searched the place, it was uncomfortably silent, but in the shadows she could feel them everywhere-monsters that were lurking about in the dark that cause a cold shiver to run down her spine.

It happened in a blur, one moment she was watching Hyun climb up to the cctv camera to fix it's position and then the next, there was a red glow before she was thrown halfway across the parking lot and knocked unconscious.

Yeonha groans as Jae Heon shakes her back into consciousness.

She furrows her brow and pulls herself up. Her eyes are black as her monster slips out to heal her. Jae Heon is unphased and helps her stand. 

"Shh." He whispers as she groans loudly, shining his torch around the basement. With the light she could see all the monsters that had been hiding. They seemed to just be stood there, silently, not making any movement.

"They're sleeping." He explains. Yeonha nods in understanding- don't make any sudden sound of noise. Her monster slips away.

"What happened to Hyun?" She whispers, eyes darting around frantically. Her searching stops when she sees the gangster and Hyuk freeing Hyun from some sort of web that a monster had caught him in. She hurries over as the two get him down as quietly as possible.

Jae Heon and Jisu, keep watch of their surroundings.

"I'll help." she offers to help the gangster carry Hyun's weight, but Hyuk tells Jisu to.

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