Let's Party! (Ep.20)

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I just want to thanks sjw1016 the faster reader I know (after me :b) and chrissy120 the mind reader


Beast Boy's P.O.V:

If it isn't Cy, it's Rob, if it isn't Rob, it's Star! Please! Could I?! One day maybe?! We walked to the common room, what I like with Raven is that, those things could happend, but nothing changes, No awkward moments after! I smiled at her she looked at me, "What?" She asked half smiling "Nothing" I said grinning, she rooled her eyes still smiling, We entered the common room, the first thing we saw, Cy reading a history to Onix, with the others around, "Hejem!" They turned around "Excuse me but... Why did you call!?" Cy turned around "Why, did we interrupted something Beasty?" He asked grinning, I rolled my eyes "Beast Boy! Cyborg! Please!" Rob shouted annoyed, We glared at each other, he crossed his arms "Well! I was thinking of doing a power test to Onix, she's just a little girl so I thought we should need your authorisation, since you are his big brother-" I shocked my head "No way, it's too dangerous!" Onix jumped on the couch "But I want to test my powers!!" I picked her up "No!" She put a puppy face "But pleasseeee!!" "Come on! you can't convince me with my own tricks" "And what if I-" "No" But-" "I said No!" She turned to Rae "Pleasii?" Raven bit her bottom lip "Come on Beast Boy... we can stop the training in any moment" I gasped "How?! Even on a Kitten form I can't convince anybody!" Onix just laughed, a little, a contagious laugh that make me laugh a little too "Ok... in that case..." She smiled more and hug me "Thanks!" Ooh noo... She did it... She convinced me... -_-"

At the powers test!

"Ok Onix, It's Easy! Just go from where you are to the arrival with out being hurt!" Robin warned with his microphone, Cy start to check the controls "Starting training... All materials securitized... Urgence bottom activated and ready to be used!" I took Robin's microphone "And if you get hurt Robin go with you to the hospital but not as visit!" Rob laugh nervously "Yeah, Ok... Well are you ready Onix?" Onix nodded "Then you can Start!" Onix touched softly the ground, enormous plants went to stop all the moving walls, Rocks stoped the mechanism, She sat on Alex and he start running, he was so fast that the lasers didn't touch them, But some of het rocks moved and the walls started moving again almost crushing her, Raven stopped me from pushing the stop button, Some plants broke and the walls slammed, Alex stoped immediately, but son moved when a laser almost touch them "Up!" She shouted, Alex looked up and nodded, he jumped on one of the walls and run avoiding all the obstacles... I released the air that I didn't know I was keeping...when they finished Onix had a really, really Messy hair because of the wind, She smiled and look at us "Done!!" We go down where she was, Robin crossed his arms half smiling "Very well! You just need to learn how to control your powers better-" Cy cut him off "What I think Raven could show you!" Raven rolled her eyes "It's going to be difficult since 1. I'm half demon! The opposite of Onix! And 2. It's going to be difficult with out powers!" Cy smiled "I have almost the solution to 2!!!" We all smiled and started to ask questions like "Really?" "When do you think you cam do it?!" and other things..."Hey!!" Kf shouted, we turned around "Yes K Flash?" Asked Robin "Since you guys are going to have your powers again... Jynx and I decided that we are going to go home" Robin nodded a little sad "At least you would stay for the party?" They looked confused "Party? " I nodded "Yes for Onix and now to say you guys bye too" KF looked and Jynx and she nodded "Ok! Let's Party then!!"

Time jump to the party!!

"I Love Chocolate!!!!!!!!" Shouted Onix, I just gave her some chocolate and she love it! She ran everywhere, when she passed in front of me I catch her "Got you!" She laughed "You are not eating more chocolate before sleeping!" I said in a fake serious tone "Noooo!" Raven was in front of us talking to Jynx, I picked her up too "Haaa! Beast Boy!!! Let me down!!" I felt on the couch with them, Hopefully Rob and Cy where to busy talking to Kf and Terra, Onix felt to the floor "I'm Ok!" She said laughing, Raven pushed me too "That's for what you just did" She said smiling "Haha! Ok... Onix...?" Onix just sat there her head in her hands "Are you hurt?" No answer, She start to shake a little "Onix?!" She looked up her eyes where dark grey! "S-S-Slade" She said sobbing, I hug her "What?!" She started to freak out "No...NO!!!!" They all turned around "Blood... too much blood...Guards... It's too late..." She hug me and cried "Beast Boy, Raven, go with Onix" I nodded "You know guys, you can still with the party" Robin shocked his head "No-" I cut him off "No really!" They nodded slowly "ok..." I picked Onix up with the help of Raven, Alex followed us........................ We entered Raven's room, I laid Onix on the bed, Alex jumped next to her and tried to reconfort her... "Onix... what did you see?" She sat down, her eyes where completely grey "Slade... he is on the floor... blood around him... The guards don't know what happened... his aura is fading away... but his soul is normal again... No more red black aura... bad thing get out... he is in peace now..." She broke in tears, Raven hug her I sat next to them "Shhh... Everything is Ok..." I hug them both.... Raven tensed a little but relaxed, I pulled her and my little sister closer, Onix sobbed one last time before falling asleep, Raven buried her face in my chest and we fall asleep.............................................. "Beast Boy..." Robin gave me a worried look "We need to talk" I nodded, he waited for me out of the room, I slowly lay Rae and Onix on the bed, I checked nobody was looking, I peeked Rae on the forehead, I smiled a little and went where Rob was "Yes?" "Listen, well, first promise you won't say Onix-" I cut him off "Don't you think she doesn't know to many things yet?" Robin was about to say something but he shut up "Ok, do what you want! Tell her that everything she saw was true!" He crossed his arms "What do you mean?" I asked a little worried "Jump City prison call us saying that the prisoner number 11980 just died, in others words Slade died! He started shaking and then he puked blood! The guards ran to see what happened but to late! When they arrived he was dead!" I sat down "Are you going to tell her now?" I rubbed my forehead "I don't know..."

Robin's P.O.V:

He sat down thinking, finally he stand up "I'm telling her..." I nodded disappointed, poor little girl... "Thanks..." We turned around quickly, Onix appeared from behind the door "Did you listen everything?" She nodded sadly... "Since when are you up?" Beast Boy asked, she looked down "Since Robin woke you up... I'm sorry... it's bad to listen conversations..." She entered the room again and covered her self in the blankets, Alex laid next to her and felt asleep "At lest it's done... night Beast Boy..." I tapped friendly his shoulder and went to my room "Oh! Almost forgot! Jynx and Kid Flash leaved, they are going to get married!" Beast Boy grinned "It took a little long to him to ask!"


Hey guys! Good news! Guess who has her phone in weekends now? Me!!! Ok anyway... You know the wonderful new of last A/N!!!!!! So please go say to Cartoon Network that if he doesn't do it... I'm personally going to kill them!!

Love you guys!

~Dark Magik

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